"And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied."


A little more wait, a little more patience and she will be there, she told herself. At this point of her life, blindingly trusting Allah seemed the best option and she grabbed hold on it.

Hope and trust filled her as she exited the hospital and continued on with her day.

She parked her car at a local supermarket, planning to stuff some snacks for the picnic Yahya had organised with all her friends. Feeding the kids her love was becoming her favorite task and that's how she ended up piling all sorts of snacks, from Chexmix to Fruit snacks, she piled up her cart high, loading up on whatever she thought everyone would like.

April in California resulted in wildflowers to bloom throughout the state, giving a vibrant contrast to the green faraway hills. The small town flickered with an aura of warmth and the sun was at its peak yet failed to reverberate much heat. The weather looked perfect for a day out and Rafa couldn't be more thankful for having one.

Time spent with family and friends did act as a stress-buster for her.

Following the Google maps, she arrived at the location Yahya had sent her, a bubble of excitement started to brew in her stomach and she jumbled the keys out of the ignition, opening the car door.

Her pale brown trousers flapped her legs as her light ocean blue colored shirt breezed with the wind. She untangled her hijab to stand perfectly, opening the car's trunk, she scooped the reusable tote bags of food.

In the bright day light illuminated green fields, she saw a few guys playing, her grin widened. Yahya had informed her he was bringing friends, that meant her food wouldn't go to waste. Soccer players devour food as if they had been starving for a lifetime.

She saw black and dark green abayas on the stands, identifying her friends she rushed forward. "Assalamu alaikum." She placed the bags down and engulfed Fathima into a bear hug,

"Please don't say you missed me, we just met on the Friday khutbah," Fathima choked in her tight grasp.

"I really missed you," Rafa grinned, leaving her friend to breathe for life.

"Wa alaikum assalam, how have you been?" Shabna cooed from the side, adjusting the pink fairy clip over Khadija's hair.

"Alhamdulillah! I am great now that you people have granted me your presence," she gleamed, scooping Khadija and twirling her sideways. "Fafa," The baby girl laughed.

"See! She remembers me." Rafa kissed the baby's both cheeks and dropped her down only after giving her a lollipop. After Khadija, she moved to Muhammad who was standing in the concrete floor, leaning on the seats, playing with animal toys.

"Cutie!" Rafa scooped him from behind and he giggled at her touch, melting her heart in his childish way.

"Saad! How are you?" She called the boy who sat a bit far away, putting both hands over his cheeks, watching the match. On being addressed, he looked up, "I have been good."

Rafa placed Muhammad back on the stands and handed back his baby sharks. Her gaze travelled to Asad who looked upset. " Someone is grumpy?" She looked over her shoulder towards Fathima.

"Yup! For two reasons, one is Samad stayed home with Kulsoom and two, Yahya didn't allow him to join the match, proclaiming he didn't fit the age group."

"Awe! Don't worry Asad, I will play with you," Rafa coerced, "Don't think low of me, Yahya's talents are a speck of dust in front of mine," she was about to turn away from the boy at the whistling sound but refrained herself when she saw Asad smile," You mean, Yahya got his talents from you?"

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