Chapter 1

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Jamie walks into the boys bathroom "Hey Max you in here?"

Max sniffles "Yes but go to class Jamie."

Jamie sees him in the bathroom cubicle he sits down next to him and looks the door "What happened? Why is your shirt ripped papa will go mad Max that was so much money."

Max cry's more but this time in his brothers chest "I can't go to class looking like this. Jamie you can't tell papa anything. I can't have him know I'm being bullied."

Jamie nods "You know I won't tell little brother. So do you like my hoody?"

Max giggles and nods "It's very nice."

Jamie takes it off "Ok now I will step outside so you can change into it and I will walk you to class."

Max nods "Ok thanks."


Sebastian raised an eyebrow "What happened to your shirt?"

Max froze so Jamie steps in "I ripped it I'm sorry I walked past him and something just got caught and it ripped. So I gave him my hoody and threw it away there was no saving it I promise. Again sorry Max and Papa for what I did."

Sebastian hugs Jamie "Thank you for your honesty maybe you could get him a new one for his birthday or Christmas."

Jamie nods "Agreed."

A/N: Lola is Max's friend I forgot I was gonna have her as a character sorry but she is 15! She's Sophie's sister btw

Max sighs and founds his friend

Lola- "What happened?"

Max- "They ripped my shirt Lo like fully ripped it I'm done with them am actually done with everybody"

Lola- "Even me?"

Max- "No not you got any news on my brother and Sophie?"

Lola- "Nope they hardly even speak anymore. So Tomorrow is a very special day."

Max- "Yup it's my Dad and Kurt's
Anniversary. Which means we have be friends for a full 4 years."

Lola- "Yes we should celebrate at breadsticks!"

Max- "I would love too. Are you sure there though! all of our school will be there."

Lola- "That's the whole point of it anyway just wanted to see how you were so I will let you go."

Max- "Thanks! Bye."

Lola- "Bye."


Max just lay on his bed looking up at the ceiling. Just wishing he could be 4 again when no one would care what he did or wore. Right now life just sucked for him. He just wanted everyone to stop bullying him and to start leaving him alone.

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