Chapter 13

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Eric held his stomach "Pappy I don't feel so good."

Kurt picks him up "Aww poor baby. You do feel hot." A couple seconds later he heard someone throwing up and the sound of Emily crying. Kurt walked into the room "It's ok honey don't cry do you want to sleep for longer? Maybe in mine daddy's bed?"

Jamie walks out his room "Kurt do you have any paracetamol?"

Kurt nods "Yeah one second go sleep for a bit longer sweetheart Eric and Emily aren't well either. Can I sort them out first?"

Jamie sighs "Ok."


Ethan woke up "Come on Eric let's play."

Kurt shook his head "I'm sorry baby boy Eric is sick and so is Emily. Do you feel ok?"

Ethan sat up "No Pappy my stomach."

Kurt frowns "You lay on your side it didn't seem to hurt then."

Ethan threw up "Owieee."

Kurt tells him to open his mouth "Does your throat hurt?"

Ethan nods "Sleepy."

Kurt nods "go to sleep honey and get better ok?"

Ethan lays down "Ok Pappy."

Eric sits up "Pappy Ethan never gets sick and when he does he always end up in the hoptical."

Kurt kisses his head "Don't worry sweetheart he won't have to go to the hospital. If he does we will take him straight there ok? He will be there as fast as we can so he gets better but right now he just seems to have what you have ok?"

Eric nods "Ok Pappy."


Kurt goes into his room to wake up Blaine maybe he can help with the kids "Hey Blainey the kids are sick can you maybe help me out?"

Blaine sighs "Oh no all three?"

Kurt shook his head "All four."

Blaine gets out of bed "Emily is for some reason only talking to me but apparently she talked to Jamie ages ago."

Kurt nods "Yeah she talks to Jamie a lot she try's to be quiet but I hear her she has a very cute little voice I know she's comfortable and like it when we mention we are daddy and Pappy so don't worry about that. She talks to Eric not to Ethan though I don't know why but I have come to learn Eric is the oldest and protects the other two. He would literally die for them."


Eric climbs into bed with Ethan "are you ok? Do you need hoptical?"

Ethan tears up"Hurts."

Eric nods "I know it's ok you probably don't just like Pappy said. If you do I will go with you this time Mommy and first daddy didn't let me but now they have helped us find Pappy and daddy I might be able to come."

Ethan sniffles "Ok because I was scared without out you."

Eric kisses his brother on the cheek "You don't have to be scared ok?"

Kurt and Blaine came into the room Blaine picked up Emily "Sweetheart would you like a bath? You seem to be the only one who threw up."

Kurt giggles "Nope Ethan did too I cleaned it all up but the felt too sick so I left them."

Eric sat up "Ethan needs hoptical."

Kurt face palms "No he doesn't don't worry."

Blaine feels Ethan's head "Kurt he's very warm. Emily and Eric have a small fever but not as big as that, feel him."

Kurt feels him and became very worried "Where does it hurt?"

Ethan points to the bottom right side of his stomach."

Kurt Googled Appendicitis

Appendicitis usually causes pain that starts in the middle of your tummy before moving towards the lower right side.
Pressing on this area, coughing or
walking may make the pain worse.

Kurt looks up from his phone "Could you cough for me?" Ethan coughs and then cries out in pain. Kurt nods "I'm so sorry sweetheart could you maybe get out of bed and walk for me?" He did that to and then stopped and cried more "Pappy!" Kurt picks him up "Did the pain move honey."

Ethan nods "Can Eric come to hoptical?"

Kurt nods "Emily do you want to stay with Jamie? You seem to be worse than Eric I don't want you being in the hospital."

Emily looks down and nods slowly

Jamie walks in the room "I heard everything Emily and I can cuddle in my bed and get some rest."


Max sighs "Julian do you think my dads forgot about me?"

Julian sat up "No why?"

Max shrugs "I've not heard from him in a while."

Julian smiles "He's probably busy with the new addition. Anyway I was thinking you and I could go out some time? Like maybe to breadsticks?"

Max nods "Yeah sure I've not been there in ages I used to go with my brother all the time I would love too. Jules you've been such a good best friend I think we both deserve a break from Jonathan and Oliver."

Julian tried not to make his face fall he achieved it "Yeah best friends erm yeah we need to hang out just us."

Max smiles "So Friday?"

Julian hugs him "Anyway you should probably go back to your dorm."

Max nods "Yup I will be sure to knock first."

Julian giggles "Yeah."


Ethan cries "No no no no."

Blaine sighs "You have to baby right now ok? Can you be my brave boy?"

Ethan sniffles "Ok daddy can Eric hold my hand? Or you?"

Eric frowns and goes to tell him Blaine smiles "We both can Eric holds that hand and I hold this hand." Blaine winks and Eric.

Eric holds his hand "Yeah."

The doctor came in and gave Ethan anaesthetic and he fell asleep. Blaine picked up Eric "He will be ok I love you so much ok we are gonna go find Pappy and get something to eat."

Eric nods slowly "Ok."

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