Chapter 8

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Justin smiles he was gonna ask Jonathan a really important question "Hey Johnathan could you come down here for a second?"

Johnathan came downstairs "What's up?"

Justin shook his head "Nothing come sit down. I'm not going to hurt you."

Johnathan sat down "You seem nervous Oh My God do I have to go away? No! I can't."

Justin grabs his hand "Calm down I'm nervous to ask since..... You'll understand when I ask you. So you being he is like not permanent right now. So I was wondering if it would be alright if I adopted you meaning become a second dad I'm not here to replace the one that passed."

Johnathan tears up and hugs him "Really you see me as a son? Ever since you helped me that day when I was 12z I couldn't stop thinking about you and I hoped I'd see you again. Then we moved and I had no hope I know it wasn't far but it was far in my eyes. Then my dad died and I was about to break but you saved me again. I love you so so much and I have wanted nothing more then for you to be my second dad. So yes please adopt me."

Justin put his hand to his chest "That is adorable I love you too now I will adopt you as soon as I can ok?"

Johnathan nods "Yes!"


Blaine gets into bed "So what is your theme for the party on Saturday?"

Kurt sighs "Well I'm not sure I just want everyone to like it apparently Max is bringing is crush Julian but they are not dating. Justin as been talking to Johnathan apparently this boy likes max back so he might have a boyfriend soon. Anyway Johnathan is bringing his boyfriend Oliver I just want them to like it."

Blaine giggles "Honey they will love it also today I got to be a substitute for pre-school They are so cute. One little boy told me he had two Mommy's he asked me if that was ok. So obviously I said yes and said that I was gay and my boys have two dads."

Kurt kisses him "Well I see why all your students like you. I'm glad they let you back Blaine I know how much you love to teach."

Blaine nods "Me too Kurt how would you feel about having a kid? Like maybe adopting one?"

Kurt looks confused "I would love to do you have someone in mind or are you just asking."

Blaine sighs "Well I went to a foster care and there were  triplets 2 boys one girl they are 3. Very cute they need a home we have more than enough space."

Kurt smiles "Well I think that is a great idea."

Blaine did a little dance "Yes I mean good because I sorta already agreed they come to ours Next week. So after the party. Oh they girl is very shy and doesn't talk very different to her brothers who never stop talking."

Kurt cuddles up to Blaine "Remember when I didn't talk to anyone for 3 years after my mom died. Not even you will I did a little."

Blaine frowns "Yeah do you think that's what Emily is doing Oh yeah that's her name."

Kurt nods "Yeah probably, and both her parents died and for a 3 year old that is pretty deep."

Blaine sighs "I guess so anyway we should go to sleep I'm off work tomorrow so we can go meet them if you want?"

Kurt smiles "Yeah that will be good. I would love to meet them. What are the boys called?"

Blaine replied "Ethan and Eric. I love how all three name are the once we wanted to use. Obviously after Tracy and Hepburn."

Kurt nods "I love it too. You have to tell Jamie and Max. That is the most important thing ok?"

Blaine sighs "Yeah I told Seb that I was gonna tell you and if the boys could come round tomorrow so I could tell them."

Kurt kissed Blaine's cheek "Good! Now I'm tried so I'm going to sleep so Good night and Love you."

Blaine giggles "Night and love you too."

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