Chapter 25

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Jamie knocks on the door of Sebastian house "I'm here for max and to see how he is doing I don't want to talk to you."

Sebastian's heart hurt "Ok he's in his room."

Hunter held Sebastian "It's ok." He whispers "Calm down breathe with me."

Sebastian Breathes with Hunter "Why does he hate me so much?"

Hunter kisses his neck up to his head "You all better now?"

Sebastian nods "Much."


Jamie frowns "Oh Julian is here."

Max shook his head "No I'm hugging nobody! Ugh pretend I didn't say that I'm so sick I can't even be sarcastic right."

Julian kisses his head "Poor baby I'm gonna make you a drink of hot chocolate so you and Jamie can be alone. I love you."

Max sighs "Love you too."

Jamie smiles and gets into his brothers bed and let max cuddle with him "So when did you and Julian fall in love?"

Max giggles "Ages ago but we said it three days ago I think."

Jamie felt his head "You seem warmer. I hope you get better soon so I don't have to see papa."

Max sighs "What happened between you two anyway?"

Jamie tears up just thinking about it. "He said that you are a lovely child and he wishes he had you first and stopped there." He sniffs "I'm stupid I don't know why I'm crying I always knew he didn't care about me."

Max wipes Jamie's tears off his face "You are not stupid that is horrible what he said to you I'm honestly really shocked. I love you so much Jamie you're the best big brother anyone could ask for. I mean not just to me you learned how to do hair just to make Emily more comfortable in her new home. You watch like what a whole season of Peppa pig for the triplets?"

Jamie giggles "I guess you're right thank you max I really needed to get that off my chest. Anyway I best be going and leave you two love birds alone." He kisses Max's head "Take care of him Julian he needs it and I trust you."

Julian nods "That means a lot."


Jamie smiles at Sebastian "Life's to sort papa I love you ok and it's fine if you don't love me I get it I'm a waste of space I just want to tell you."

Sebastian hugs him "I love you I always will honey I'm sorry about what I said I've been getting help I never told you this but I have depression I know that's no excuse but I'm getting help so I'm getting better i'm really sorry about what I said."

Jamie sniffles "It's ok I'm still gonna live with dad but I will come visit I love you both but I have plans so I got to go."

Hunter hugs him "Ok love you kiddo."

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