Chapter 21

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Jamie woke up "Hey you ok?"

Luke was freaking out it was very clear to see that "No I'm not for some reason my dad wants me to go round to his house. I'm genuinely freaking out. Should I go?"

Jamie nods "Yes you should go what if it's about Oliver or something serious?"

Luke put his head in his hands "I just really don't know what to do the last time I saw him was when I was 6 and it was to tell me not to tell Oliver I was his brother."

Jamie had an idea "How about I drive you to his house and then afterwards we just hang out all day I heard there is some pretty good movies out or we could get pizza or something or not."

Luke giggles "Are you asking me on a date?"

Jamie rolls his eyes playfully "I thought you were straight Mr Luke wood."

Luke smiles "I am that would be nice actually thank you."

Jamie hugs him "No problem you've been a great friend to me it's time I do the same for you."

Luke frowns "Oh wait I have to babysit my sister."

Jamie laughs "Guess what? I have a sister who can also ask to babysit then we can go watch a movie and have pizza and do what we were going to do anyway."

Luke smiles "Ok yeah it will be good for her to be friends with kids her own age."

Jamie nods "Well I think we should make a back that from this dad forward we are brothers."

Luke laughs "And how do we keep that pact?"

Jamie crossed his arms "We have to know everything about each other."

Luke sighs "Ok my Birthday is the 7th of July my favourite colour is blue I like to sing ok your turn. Wait what's wrong?"

Jamie took a deep breath "Hold on and you will find out ok so my birthday is the 7th of July and my favourite colour is blue."

Luke gasps "Oh my god this is not happening we are literally brothers we say that until proven wrong."

Jamie giggles "This is so cool ok we'll get dressed and today is gonna be the best day in you whole entire life."

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