Chapter 2

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Justin POV

I have moved into my own house today. I am super excited I appreciate what Blaine has done for me, but I needed my own space I am 10 years clear and I couldn't be more happier. Life for me is so good. I'm scared for Max though every time he came to Blaine's I knew something was wrong. I really hope he is ok.

I began to walk into my house when I noticed a kid over the road drinking. He seems so young. I ran over to him so I could get him to stop before it was too late. "Hey kid you ok? Could you put the bottle down for me please?" Thank god he listened "So where are your parents?" He picked the bottle up again so I guessed that must be the reason he wanted to black out. "I'm gonna take that off you. Now did something happen to them?" He sighs "Yup one died when I was 11 the other died yesterday. Soon I am gonna get  sent away and I won't be able to go to my school. I was doing so good there."

I felt for him I really did "Ok but please don't turn to this." I point at the bottle to emphasise that it was what I was talking about "I used to think this was the only way and yes I got back on my feet but it took a hell of a long time to get here. So What's your name kid?"

He giggles nope I mean for that to be funny but guess it was how random it was. "Johnathan what about you?" I remember where I recognise him from "Oh yeah you're the kid I helped. Remember with your dad." He smiles "Yeah I didn't get your name though." I laugh a little "Justin, now I won't let anyone send you away. I'm an adult so I will take you in and you can live with me." He hugs me "really? That is so nice of you thank you I really hope that is allowed. I go to Dalton, that is why I was so upset to leave it is a pretty good school ya know? I'm even in the warblers." I bring him into my house and tell him to get comfortable

"So. what is so special about Dalton?" He looked really offended "The Question is what isn't special at Dalton? the answer would be nothing. Everything is so perfect. Especially for people like me." I raised my eyebrow he rolls his eyes "Gay people! literally no one can bully anyone if they do then they get expelled. Pretty simple. luckily for me I haven't ever been to a different school but I really don't want to imagine it. I have always wanted to meet the legends of Dalton." Again I gave him a confused look "You really know nothing about this school at all? Ok well my two favourite's are Blaine Anderson and Sebastian Smythe! Hunter Clarington kinda ruined the warblers Rep for a while, but he was over all a great captain so he is still a legend."

I laugh "Well I know all three." He didn't believe me "Well Blaine is literally like a brother to me he took me in when my parents kicked me out. Sebastian is the other father of Blaine's children and Hunter is married to Sebastian. Oh and Blaine is married to Kurt Hummel do you know him?"

He nods with a very exiting smile on his face "Yes that is so cool, they all went to Dalton, and they were all warblers. Kurt and Blaine sang a duet at competition it was amazing I remember them playing it in warbler practice last year. We think that's why they lost because it worse in 2010 then it is now. It's really sad. Or it might be the fact the New Directions did freaking original songs. They're our biggest competition. Especially this Max dude but I can tell something is up every time he sings I just can't put my finger on it. Oh my God I haven't talked this much in a while sorry."

End of POV

Justin giggles "It's fine, Max is Blaine and Sebastian's child by the way I know what you mean. I need to talk to him maybe if he hears about Dalton he will go there. Have you guys met?"

Jonathan shook his head "Nope I want to though he seems nice. I want to give him a hug he looks like he needs one."

Justin sighs "Yeah I think he is having a hard time in school or people are giving him a hard time maybe both."

Johnathan nods "Well if he comes to Dalton he will be welcomed In open arms. Especially since he is Blaine and Sebastian's son."

Justin hugs him "So you ok now?"

Johnathan thought for a minute "I'm getting there. Anyway since you're probably straight I need to ask just to be sure before I fully agree to move in, do you care that I'm gay?"

Justin laughs "I'm a little offended you think I'm straight."

he face palms feeling stupid for not going with his gut instinct "I don't by the way, I just didn't want you to be mad if I got it wrong because I could literally be homeless."

Justin shook his head "It's fine you're here to stay I promise, now tell me more about Dalton. I wish I could afford to go when I was in high school seems like it's a hell of a lot nicer then my high school life. "

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