Chapter 9

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Blaine at one the coffee table "So Boys me and Kurt have some exciting news."

Kurt nods "Yeah and if you have any short of worries or dislikes about it tell us and we can help you. This is a 100% thing so nothing can be changed."

Blaine smiles "So Kurt and I are adopting triplets they will come and live with us after the party"

Max hugs Kurt and Blaine "I'm so happy for you guys what are their names?"

Blaine giggles "The two boys are called Ethan and Eric and the girl is named Emily. She is really shy though. They are all three."

Jamie huffs "I don't think this is a good idea."

Blaine tilts his head "Why not?"

Jamie got up "I just don't ok! I know we were meant to stay for dinner but I want to go home so I will see you at the party."

Kurt grabs Blaine's hand "Ok Jamie but when you are ready you can tell us how you feel."


Sebastian rolled his eyes "Jamie that is so selfish god I raised you better than this."

Jamie tears up "I just like our family how it is I don't want new people."

Hunter nods "Seb listen he is clearly upset about this so calm down. Jamie why don't you want new people?"

Jamie sniffles "I just don't because I don't see the point of it."

Hunter sighs "We'll think about if you love being an older brother now you get to do it all over again for 3 new kids who need love right now."

Jamie smiles "You're right thanks hunt."

Sebastian shook his head "You mister are disrespectful you don't have a say in other people's life's. Why would you say such a thing to your dad?"

Jamie tears up "papa? what's wrong?"

Sebastian laughs slyly "You that's what's wrong! You alway find a way to ruin our evening. Max is a lovely child I wish I had him first and stoped there."

Hunter gasps "SEBASTIAN!"

Jamie ran out the house he didn't know where else to go so he just went back to Blaine's.


Blaine opened the door "Oh My God what happened! Come here." Blaine hugs him tightly

Jamie sniffles "I erm I'm happy you guys are having child. I'm ok with being a big brother again. Erm I just saw that Max left so I erm was wondering if I could live with you because me and papa got into a massive argument."

Blaine nods "Yeah of course anything you need."


Kurt: "Don't worry seb he is here he just needs space."

Sebastian: "Thanks erm tell him I am sorry."

Kurt: "Will do."

Sebastian: "Ok erm I'm not gonna come to the party he deserves space and me coming isn't giving him that."

Kurt: "Ok well that's good of you. Bring Max over and you and Hunter can have a date night or something."

Sebastian: "Yeah."

Kurt: "Bye Seb I really think you should get to some help ok?"

Sebastian: "Yeah ok."


Julian pretend to through up "The way that can just sit like that in fount of your family."

Max nods in agreement "They

Oliver looks over at them "You're jealous."

Jonathan giggles "It's fine they will get together soon."


Julian slowly moves his hand towards Max's but backs out and put his hand on the table behind him "So this is a nice party I'm kinda hungry wanna get something to eat?"

Max nods "Yeah you can meet my dad and my step dad's." They go on the kitchen "Hey guys this is Julian. Julian that my dad right there then that is Kurt and Hunter my stepdads. Hunt you gonna go to papa soon?"

Hunter sighs "Yeah I think I should we'll probably stay home and watch a movie he isn't feeling great. So I will see you guys tomorrow then."

Hunter left so Kurt asked "Are you having fun?"

Julian nods slowly "Yeah it's nice to meet you all I heard you're adopting triplets that's cool I can't wait to meet them."

Blaine sighs "Yup Kurt is going to meet them tomorrow."

The next day:

Blaine walks into where the triplets where Kurt slowly behind "Hey boys where's Emily?"

Eric frowns "she's in her room."

Ethan nods slowly "Crying."

Blaine looks at how sad they were and it broke his heart "How about you guys talk to my husband for a bit get to know each other."

The boys smile and say "Ok."


Blaine walks over the Emily's bed "Hey sweetheart I know you don't want to talk and that fine but I came here to be your company ok?"

Emily sniffles and puts out her small, little hand for Blaine to hold. He gladly takes it and holds while rubbing his thumb over the bad of her hand. "It's ok I'm here and I won't go till you want me too."

Emily got out of bed and sat on Blaine's legs and cuddles up to him while crying softly. He rubbed her back and started humming which calmed her a little bit. "It ok that you don't want to talk honey. When you are ready you can talk to me and Kurt or even Max and Jamie whole will be your other older brothers."

She nods but not letting go of her grip on Blaine's arm. His bear broke for her he just wanted to hold her forever but he knew that couldn't happen till he brought them home. Soon all three of them will be in a kind loving home. He couldn't wait to finally bring them home.

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