Chapter 29

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Johnathan came home and just broke down in Justin's arms "I'm so so dad I really am."

Justin rubs his back "Shhh it's ok."

Johnathan calms down after a while "I'm sorry that won't happen again."

Justin put a hand on his cheek "You mean the world to me I want to protect you and I know for 15 years of your life I wasn't in it but for some reason I feel this feeling of worry and I've really become your dad I'm sorry for saying what I said last night I didn't mean a word of it. I'm not gonna ground you for what you did but when Oliver is over the door stay's open can you do that for me? That's the only rule I have."

Johnathan smiles "Ok yeah I promise to keep the door open when Oliver is around. I won't do anything that would be considered inoperative. I have something to ask you though."

Justin sighs "What is it?"

Johnathan giggles "Can you shut your door when you're in there with Mason?"

Justin nods "Yes I can do that. You're hardly here anymore and I miss you so, when's your next break?"

Johnathan thought then remembered "Spring break we finish 18th of March but it only for a week. I will definitely come spend it with you though."

Justin hugs him "What's been going on? When did you start drinking?"

Johnathan frowns "3 months ago."

Justin kisses his head "Ok please stop I really can't have you develop a problem."

Johnathan nods "I know dad I promise I won't drink till I'm allowed and even then not a lot."

Justin once again kissed his head and let him sit up "Good I know you're a good kid Jonathan I'm honestly starting to think Oliver is a bad influence on you."

Johnathan frowns "He's really sweet dad he isn't to other people and I don't know why but he treats me good I promise."

Justin sighs "I believe you. He seems like he is going through stuff I noticed last night he was flicking a rubber band to his wrist."

Johnathan nods "Yeah I think he has anxiety but he doesn't really show that side of him. I know something though he has another family that he doesn't know about and his dad won't let his other family tell him."

Justin gasps "He's gonna be really mad when he finds out about that."

Johnathan nods slowly "Hopefully he finds out I mean is older brother who was his first crush is part of the warbler Council."

Justin takes his hand in his "It must be really hard to know this and not tell him. You're doing good though at keeping it together I mean."

Johnathan sighs "Yeah I guess anyway I should probably get back to Dalton."

Justin hugs him "Ok but don't get into any trouble."

Johnathan rolls his eyes "I won't. I never do!"

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