Chapter 20

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Hi so I thought I would do this chapter because it came to my head but I probably won't be updating for a while since I have covid but I don't know 🥲 I'm fine but I might get worse but if I don't I will still update but like I said idk


Phone call:

Blaine: "Hi sweetheart you settling in ok?"

Jamie: "Yeah I hear crying is everything ok?"

Blaine: "You know how you do Emily's hair every morning well we forgot to tell her you weren't gonna live her anymore and now she's just crying and we can't get her to stop. It's very stressful I keep forgetting about how she handles things differently the the boys."

Jamie: "I can come round I have one class today. That I'm just about to go to."

Blaine: "Could you that would be great thank you."

Jamie: "No problem see you soon."


Luke tilts his head "What's wrong with you?"

Jamie sighs "Well my little sister has autism and my dad some how forgot to tell her I was leaving so now she has been crying for god knows how long."

Luke looks down then back at Jamie "My little sister has it too 4 she doesn't know about Oliver. I can come help? How old is she?"

Jamie smiles "3 she is adorable I did her hair every morning she loved me doing it so that is what I'm doing after class want to come with?"

Luke nods "Sure."


Blaine opened the door "come in. Who is your friend?"

Jamie smiles "Dad this is luke. Hi em what hairstyle do you want?"

Emily opened the book of hair styles to two braids "This one."

Luke was shocked "She talks?"

Jamie shook his head "She will stop now she knows you're here but yeah sometimes."

Luke nods slowly "Sorry it's just my sister hasn't talked at all she's not even had his first word yet."

Emily pointed at Luke "Who that?"

Blaine was genuinely surprised "This is Luke Jamie's friend. You want to talk when he is here?"

Emily smiles "Yeah he seem nice."

Jamie parted her hair and started braiding it "So em I'm not gonna be able to do this anymore I'm so sorry but I'm living somewhere else so I want you to be brave ok can you do that for me?"

Emily nods "Ok Jamie but I miss you."

Jamie sighs "I know but I still live here on weekends if I want and definitely on holidays so I will come back ok?"

Emily smiles "Ok."

Luke got out some lipgloss out of his polish "Do you want some of this it will make your lips shiny?"

Emily claps and moves Jamie rolls his eyes playfully "Emily don't do that again please."

Luke put his hands up "That was my fault I take full responsibility put me in jail immediately."

Emily giggles "You're silly."

Luke smiles "Me? Silly? No that can't be right?" He said wiggling his eyebrows

Emily laughs "Yes you are."

Luke sighs "Yeah you're right do you want me to put this on now?"

Emily looks at Blaine "Is that ok daddy?"

Blaine nods "Yeah but don't tell papa."

Luke put it on her lips "There you go."

Jamie put the second hair tie in her hair "And that is done as well"

Emily looks at Blaine "Do I look pretty daddy?"

Blaine kisses her head "You always do."


Blaine looks at at Jamie then back at the cooking then back at Jamie

He noticed "Dad are you ok?"

Blaine laughs "You and Luke seem very what's the word close?"

Jamie rolls his eyes "One no! Two we are both straight and he had lipgloss for his sister No that it makes him any less straight but you know what I mean."

Blaine nods "Ok but you have a great bond is what I'm saying." He said jokingly

Jamie frowns "Dad I'm not gay. I'm sorry but it's the truth. It will never change me and Luke are both straight and are just friends."

Blaine hugs him "I was joking! You being straight is not a problem with me I really don't know why you would think it is?"

Jamie laughs "I don't think I just don't like joke like that dad you wouldn't like it if I started saying you and auntie Santana are "close" would you?"

Blaine sighs "No you're right I'm sorry. Listen I grew up with a very homophobic father I would never want you to be gay if that's not who you are it's kinda stupid if you ask me but I have just relished this whole family is gay don't worry you must feel very lonely being the only one playing for your team believe me that is something me and your three other parents have definitely felt at some point. The triplets could be straight but they are to young to know. Oh hell no them words did not just come out of my mouth."

Eric comes out is room "Don't worry daddy you're right we are only three."

Blaine picks him up "Do you know?"

Eric nods "Duh I have a crush but that is a secret anyway that is because I am very smart for my age."

Jamie giggles "And who are they?"

Eric smiles "She and her name is Lilly."

Jamie kisses his head "Ok now I have made this discovery I would like to say don't mess it up because I did and I'm still not over her."

Blaine frowns "You still think that's your fault god what did she do to you or say to you to make you believe this is your fault?"

Jamie shook his head "Nothing anyway come on like we best start moving. Bye dad love you."

Jamie POV:

I am not ready to talk about my break up at least not yet.

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