"I'm gonna go finish getting ready." I put my plate aside and stood up.

I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and then took the plates down to the sink. When I was done I went back upstairs where the boys were all sitting on Enders bed.

"Ready to go?" I asked Ash as I walked in.

"Yup." He popped the 'p' at the end.

"Aright. So if he starts hurting then I set the pills on the counter. Foods in the fridge and nothing too crazy." I read off my mental checklist.

"Got it." Luke nodded with a cheeky grin.

"We'll have fun." Calum smiled.

"Okay then. Bye En, love you." I walked over and gave him a kiss on the forehead and he didn't jerk away like normal which made me smile.

"Bye boys!" I called as we left and headed outside.

Ash began to walk towards the parking lot and I cleared my throat behind him.

"Where are you going?" I smiled.

"The car?" He looked confused.

"Nope." I shook my head. "We are riding bikes today."

He laughed and followed me to the open storage area and I grabbed my bike.

"You can use that grey one there." I pointed out and he went over to it.

"Who's is it? It looks too big for Ender." He noted with a smile as he climbed on and pedalled next to me.

"It was my dads but it's still in great shape so..." I trailed off.

"Ah I see." He said, his smile not faltering."So did you ride bikes alot with your dad?"

"Yea, he's the one who taught Ender and I to ride. And since we could'nt drive yet it was our transportation everywhere, still is." I laughed at the end.

We kicked off and rode down the docks, the seats bumping over the boards. When we reached the parking lot I began to head off towards the road.

"Wait!" Ashton called and I stopped as he caught up to me.

"What?" I questioned and he leaned forward, kissing me soundly on the lips.

"Good morning." He smiled when we broke apart and my cheeks burned hot.

"Morning." I giggled.

After we got up to the main road we took the ten minute bike ride to the town square where people were everywhere.

"Woah what's going on here?" Ashton asked as we slowed down.

"Today is the annual Christmas parade." I smiled.

"A parade?! Awesome!" Ashton exclaimed.

"Come on, let's go park our bikes over here." I nodded towards the side street and we both hopped off our bikes, walking them over to the rack.

Haven Harbour was a pretty safe town so I didn't worry about our bikes getting stolen, I mean out of a population of 2,042 it wouldn't be too hard to find.

We leaned our bikes on the rack and then waited as a crowd passed by us.

"So do you want to go play games, shop, or eat first?" I grinned.

"Whatever you want to do." He nudged my side with his elbow, a wide smile making his dimples show.

"Shop first." I decided and he smiled in agreement.

We took off down the sidewalk to where the booths were and Ashton took my hand as we walked.

His fingers laced between mine, enveloping my hand in his. Ashton's hands were big and smooth but a little rough on the tips of his fingers where you could tell he worked with his hands.

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