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Tanner's POV

He was hesitant to sit down. He finally made his move after pacing for a solid thirty seconds. His hands moved up and down his thighs, causing his jeans to wrinkle with every motion.

"So Randy, was it just small talk tonight or was there some action?" A smug smile crossed my face. I guess you could say I was being conniving but I dish out what needs to be served.

A worrisome smile came from the monster sitting across from me, "Listen Tanner, I would never hurt your mother, ok?"

I reached to the right and pulled out the somewhat pixelated pictures, but they were very clear in other ways. I tossed them on the glass coffee table causing them to each spread out in front of the culprit's eyes.

He picked up one picture and immediately let it fly out of his hands. He stood up with uneasiness and went back to pacing.

"Listen Tanner, th..that was a drunken night, I was try..trying to clear my mind and I don't know what came over me." He bent down and made eye contact with me. 

"But I want you to know that I will never forgive myself for that night. I love Nikki." He dug his hand into his back jean pocket and pulled out a litttle bag. 

"Tomorrow is going to be a big day, but these pictures...that mistake could ruin everything."He pulled out a red velvet box and opened it to reveal a large square diamond on top of a wedding ring band surrounded by several ruby diamonds. 

"Listen I'll make a deal with you. I will toss these pictures and keep the knowledge of your fling to myself, only if you promise to never hurt my mom and treat her well and respect her. Under any circumstances."

"Tanner, I respect your mother and I will always fight for this family. And I know I will need to show you that I am truly sorry but I will earn your forgiveness.I promise" 

"Listen Randy, I'm not the only one that knows. James saw you hid the envelope and thought it was it was gift, that's how we found it, he lead us to it." 

Randy's eyes started to widen, "No James can't know, tell me he doesn't know!" 

I started to walked up stairs. I turned my head to face Randy, "He doesn't know, Tori does."

"Ok that's somewhat of a relief, I will talk to her." 

"Hey Randy one last thing, just know that I don't believe in second be careful." 

Nikki's POV 

I removed the covers from over my face and revealed my alarm clock. Wow, it was already 10 o'clock. I extended my legs over the edge of the bed and entered my closet, I then tossed on a black t-shirt and put on a pair of Nike capri sweatpants. 

I walked down the hallway and then knocked on each of the kids door to wake them so by the time they got out of bed breakfast would be ready. As I headed to the staircase I was stopped in my tracks by the presence of white and red rose pedals placed everywhere. I followed them and it led me to the balcony, where I saw Randy down on one knee. 

Tori's POV 

There was a knock at my door which caused me to come out of dream world. I turned on my phone and texted Tanner to see what he was planning to say to Randy.

To= Tori 


To=What's your plan?

Ta=What plan....?

To=For Randy and the pictures. 

Ta=It's already taken care of.

All the sudden I heard a gasp coming from downstairs. I tossed the blanket to the other side of the bed and made my way to the hallway. Tanner and James were peeking outside of their door staring at the staircase that was fully covered with rose petals. I hoisted James onto my hip and then we all made our way down the stairs and when we came to the end of the trail of rose pedals, there was Randy, down on one knee.

"Nikki, I wouldn't want to wake up next to anyone else in the morning. I know your first marriage didn't go so well, but I promise I won't let us end like that, I will love you endlessy no matter what the circumstances. When I met you I knew we were truly meant to be. I love you so much Stephanie Nicole Garcia Colace will you marry me?"

What just happened. 

My mom's face turned red and tears started to roll down her cheeks, "Of course I will Randy!"

I leaned closer to Tanner and whispered into his ear, "So letting Randy get off scott free with cheating on our mother, and then him asking her to marry him. Smooth plan Tanner, you took care of it alright."

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