Don't Underestimate My Family

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Nikki's POV

I was walking back from catering with Tyson and Alicia Fox, and as I approached the girl's locker room all I heard was a loud boom and a crack after it. We burst in the door we looked around and realized that it came from the bathroom. I opened the door, as soon as I saw what was happening my first instinct was to punch someone but I held back.

I looked to the ground to see Randy holding Tori and most of the Divas were crowded around them, her eyes were shut and her nose was bleeding, "What the hell happened to my kid Randy?!" 

I bent down and started to repeat her name to get her to open her eyes, "Tori, honey, come on open your eyes." 

Brie got some tissues and started to wipe the blood off of her lip and under her nose, "Mom, is that you, and Randy?" 

"Yes baby it's me what happened?" I could tell her nose was broken I could see the pain her eyes.

"Eva she got you fired...I read your text...I went after her but she punched me back...hard!" Randy looked at me furious, he wanted his hands on Cena now. I couldn't let him do that...the damage would be tremendous I have to handle this myself. 

"Brie, Randy, can you bring her to the physician....NOW!" They ran out, afraid of what I was capable of. 

I looked all over backstage for John and I just couldn't find him. Finally I ran into Jimmy Uso, "Hey Jimmy have you seen John anywhere?" 

"Ya girl, I was just in the locker room with him!" I didn't even bother to say 'Thank You' I was on a mission and I couldn't be stopped. 

I bust open the door with my heel, all the guys turn around and look at me with complete and utter shock on their faces. 

"Guys get out now!" I stood there making complete eye contact with John.

"Hey you can't tell us to leave it's our locker room!" Kofi piped up.

"Really you wanna go there right now!" I picked up a folding chair and threw it at the other side of the room. 

They all started to flood out of the room, muttering under their breath to Kofi, 'Why'd you say that..'

"Nikki what the hell is going on?" He took off his hat and lightly brushed his hair back and forth with the side of his hand like he does in the ring.

"Really John, you really wanna know what is going on. Your lovely fiance has re-injured Tori's ankle, just got me fired from my job, and punched Tori causing her nose to break and she blacked out. So no John why don't you tell me what is going on."

"Woah, that's not the story I heard, I heard Tori attacked Eva...." Wait did he just say he 'knew' what happened. Did I just hear that correctly. 

"Woah, woah....slow down there you knew what happened, but not once have you gone and checked on your daughter! John I don't even know who you are anymore, this Eva crap has changed you. All I know is that if you wanna go to court for custody I will fight and I will become someone you never thought you would ever see, because John when it comes to my kids, I will do anything. But you wouldn't understand because after everything that has happened you are still with that no good piece of crap." 

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