Truth Catches Up

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Nikki's POV

The room got silent and eyes started to bug out of heads. I took the initiative and spoke up first.

"Your what?" I sounded exasperated but good thing no one had noticed my tone.

I saw Randy let go of his grip around John's neck allowing him to go up to Eva.

He gently rubbed his hands up and down her arms, "You're sure?"

She looked at him with a tear in her eye and nodded her head up and down.

"You got to be kidding me!" The sudden outburst from Tanner made me and Tori chuckle a little.

John picked her up and twirled her around in excitement and the only thing I could think of at that moment was how much I missed that.

John looked at me with this twinkle in his eyes that had been missing for years. I couldn't help but feel some sort of resentment towards them. After a few seconds the rage started to build up and I couldn't stand to be in that room anymore.

"I hope you've fixed your mistakes and can be a better father this time around."

I left the room, grabbed my jacket and headed to my car. I typed in an address in my GPS and the whole way there out of fury, I didn't pay attention to any speed limits.

I knocked on the door and waited for what felt like an hour for someone to answer.

"Nicole what are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you Nattie. I'm falling apart."

She invited me and gave me a cup a coffee and for once it felt like the best feeling in the word to just sit and talk.

"I'm just not so sure I can ever get over John. Seeing him be happy with Eva just kills me and now that they are gonna have a child, I don't think there is ever going to be a future."

Nattie wrapped me in a warm hug and there was just something about her that was just so motherly, it was comforting .

"Listen Nicole, it would be upsetting to anyone to figure out a relationship won't work out for not the first, but second time. And yes, it will take some time but everything has a recovery time. But the worst thing you can do right now is to not let John know how you're feeling even if he doesn't feel the same way. Getting you're feelings out to a friend is great, but talking about it with John might be a little more rewarding."

"But what if he doesn't feel the same way? What if he straight up tells me that there will be no future for us? What am I supposed do, swallow my feelings and pretend that everything is just fine, because I'm nowhere near fine."

"Nicole the last thing that anyone wants do is swallow their feelings, trust me I know firsthand. When me and TJ were having troubles there were several occasions when I'd have to pretend like we were on cloud 9. And I know you have your kids to worry about, but whatever choice you make, whatever the outcome is, you are surrounded by people that are going to pick you back up when you fall."

"I just want my kids to be okay and not dragged into this. Why did I have to be so stupid and fall for this act. And if this does go anywhere then Eva will be left alone and I know what it's like to be in those shoes. And trust me I would love nothing more than to get revenge, but not this way.

"Either way I will always be here for you, no matter the circumstances. You're only human, you're not expected to have it together everyday."

"Yeah I guess so, and like I always told John, I am impossible to forget but hard to remember."

John's POV

It's unbelievable how one little sentence, one smile can make someone so excited about the future. It just brings a feeling of warmth of knowing the next few months will be joy and happiness and hopefully the tears and pain can go away...for awhile.

Me and Eva sat on the couch with her with head propped up on my chest as we watched reruns of paper views. Our fingers were intertwined and our smiles matched one another.

"So, how far along are you?"

She looked up at me with such a breathtaking smile, "Tomorrow it will be about a month."

I didn't think much of it as first until my mind started to travel back in time to try and remember what was now such a special night. There was only one problem, for the last month I had been doing on and off tours and hadn't had enough time to sleep let alone do it.

I jumped off of the couch, "I'm not the I?"

Nikki Bella and Not JohnWhere stories live. Discover now