Always a Happy Ending

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Nikki's POV

Eva slammed the door in my face and whatever she was going through, I figured she already had enough on her plate. So for once I backed down.

I headed to my car but as I was about to turn the corner I got a text from John.

"First kisses mean everything, especially if you do them right. Remember ours? Meet me there."

I couldn't help but let the biggest smile appear on my face. I turned the corner and headed for my destination.

As far back as I could remember it was the most romantic moment.

When me and John first started dating we didn't have much time on our hands. But one night he took me to Hideaway Beach in Florida. And as the sun was setting and everyone had disappeared from the beach. He took me just to the point where the only thing was covered by water was our ankles.

Just us two standing on this huge beach. No children screaming, no Moms yelling to put on sunscreen, or lifeguards blowing their whistles. No sound, just us kissing in the middle of the beach.

And to this day it's probably the most romantic moment I've ever had with John, we were happy, no fighting, just two kids in love.

Even when I was with Randy if someone had told me they would bring me back to that moment I wouldn't even hesitate to say yes.

I parked on a road just before the sand to the beach had formed. I grabbed my Chanel bag and my cellphone and headed for the sand. I didn't know where to go so I just kept walking hoping I'd see John.

I took a few steps toward the east side of the beach and when I looked up, there was John in the middle of the beach.

Rose pedals spread around him and a bouquet of white roses in his hand.

"Listen Nikki, I was dumb, I was stupid to ever think it was a good decision to leave you. I had the wrong thing on my mind, I wanted someone who was going to make me feel
good about myself and be there only when I wanted her to be. Where as I should have been looking for someone like you, willing to put me first, be the greatest mother in the world, and you were always able to put up with my occasional piss and moan when I was hurt."


"Wait let me finish."

He was so happy. His smile was as bright as ever, I was speechless.

"And I may have loved the wrong person for awhile, and cried over the wrong person, but I know why now. Because all those mistakes helped me figure out that you were the right person for me all this time. And yeah you may say you should have realized that before, and you are hundred percent right. But the couples that are "meant to be" are the ones that go through everything that is meant to tear them apart. But the good thing is that through all this we came out stronger than ever."

I couldn't contain myself anymore I dropped my stuff and ran up to him. He caught me and twirled me around.

We kissed and it felt like the first time, like we were starting new.

After our lips finally detached from one another's. I looked up to see my three kids standing behind us.

I couldn't help but cry. They all ran up and hugged us both.

We were all wrapped up in the warmest family hug ever.

John and I looked up at each other.

"Nikki, it's you. You've always been my one and only."

(A/N: I'm extremely said to say that this is the end to this story. I never thought I'd even have the confidence to read a single line of my writing to someone let alone post a whole story on an app for the public to see. And sitting here and getting messages, comments, votes, and all these reads just makes me the happiest person in the world. And I want whoever this is that's reading it to not be afraid to message me with ideas for a possible sequel or a fresh new story. Thank you to everyone who has read, voted, or commented over the past months xoxo)

Nikki Bella and Not JohnWhere stories live. Discover now