Family is A Priority

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Nikki's POV

I turned the doorknob and John and I were greeted by our little boy James running up to us.

"Hey Mommy! Hey Daddy!" It felt so refreshing to be able to hold the youngster.

"Hey buddy! Where is your brother and sister?"

He pointed toward the staircase, "They told me to say down here and wait till they came down."

Just before I was about to put him down so we could proceed upstairs someone came down the staircase.

"Mom?" It was Tori she looked tired, her hair was in a ponytail which it never is unless she's in the ring.

"Tori what the hell is going on?" I put James down and he ran into his playroom to give us some space.

She ran up and gave us both hugs. She looked even more torn apart and rundown up close.

"Ok I'm gonna try to make the longest situation in the world short and understandable, so listen carefully."

Tori's POV

I sat them down and told them the whole situation, involving how Randy cheating and how we gave him a few chances because he made my mother so happy. And I also had to tell them about the cellphone bug but I left a little detail, who he was cheating with.

Before I could even explain all the phone calls my Dad interrupted, "Where is he? Tori tell me where he is!"

I was hesitant but I realized whatever my answer was, it wouldn't matter in the end, "Mom's bedroom. Tanner is waiting up there with him."

They raced past me up the stairs and I trailed behind. I ended up beating them to the door.

I slowly opened the door to reveal Tanner standing in the corner on his phone and Randy sitting on the bed waiting for someone to release him from this misery. But this was just the beginning of Randy's hell.

John's POV

I pushed by Tori and Nikki and headed straight for Randy. I walked up to where he was sitting, but Randy is not easily scared. He stood up, we were face to face and there was going to be one winner and one loser.

"Randy I'm sure Nikki can fight her own battles, I know she can fight her own battles. But what you put my kids through is not something I'm going to let slide. And about a month ago I would have said it doesn't have to get physical but now, I don't think there is another option."

He looked at me and then at Nikki, "Sorry John but I don't fight in front of family and I'm sure you can respect that John."

He turned away to walk towards the door but Nikki stopped him.

"Your not family anymore as far as I'm concerned you stopped being family once you made my kids keep secrets from me."

Randy looked around the room like a lost puppy, as if he was looking for someone to defend him.

"Well in that case.." As soon as he looked at me I punched him.

Randy's POV

I fell from the impact and caught myself on the side of the bed.

John looked away for a few seconds and I took my opportunity. I jumped back up and punched him back once on the right cheek and once on the left.

I was able to get my hand around his throat and lock in a tight grip so he wouldn't make another move.

He was on his knees and I was towering over him like the big bully in grade school, it gave me a sense of power.

"Now John give me one good reason that prevents me from calling the cops and having you arrested for assault."

He tried to move his neck to look back at Nikki and his children but my weighty grip wouldn't allow it.

He tried to talk...the best he could, "And what makes you think you will get off scot free, you hit right back."

"Two words, Self Defense. Now John give me one godamn reason why I should not call the cops on you."

The room became silent waiting for an answer.
Finally their was an answer, but it was not from the person I wanted it from.

"Because I'm pregnant..."

And suddenly every set of eyes in the room was focused on the red head standing in the doorway.

Nikki Bella and Not JohnWhere stories live. Discover now