Once the blonde takes the offered items, begrudgingly, Izuku opens the planner and crosses the day off with an X. The day before has the date circled which creeps the blonde out more. How did Deku know the exact day that it was going to start? He can't help himself when words vomit from his mouth. "How the fuck did you know the exact day that it started?"

Both boys are used to being vague about what Kacchan is talking about. They've had to be since last year when it first started, and especially this year when they moved from a private elementary to a public one due to harassment the blonde had been receiving due to his secret. It wasn't exactly a secret at their old school because everyone knew him before the change, here, everyone only knew him as the boy he is now, not the person he was before.

"I k-keep track of when y-you need stuff." Izuku responds. "Y-you usually forget t-to refill your own stash the f-first day of school during it." Izuku can tell that his answer doesn't make the boy any less upset. He tries to control his stuttering a little more as he continues. "It's the only thing y-you ever forget."

"Bakugou, leave Midoriya alone for today at least," the sound of their teacher breaks them out of the moment of discussing the blonde's situation.

Bakugou quickly stuffs the items handed to him into his bag before storming off to his seat. Normally, the teacher wouldn't even bat an eye at the horrible things that he does to Deku, but word of his Auntie Inko's death must have already reached the school. It almost feels relieving to have an excuse not to mess with the nerd for a bit. He hates what he does to Deku, but he's scared of his secret getting out. The yelling from his mother the day before about the blood on his sheets was enough reminder, he doesn't need the risk of Deku blabbing, not that he truly thinks Deku would.

At the end of the day, Bakugou notices that Izuku just sits in the classroom alone as if he's waiting for someone. Normally, the nerd it the first to dart out, trying to avoid what the blonde will do to him, so it's strange to him. He waits until the rest of the class has trickled out of the room to head for their after school clubs before approaching the green haired boy.

"What are you still doing here, Nerd?" That came out gruffer than he planned.

Izuku looks up at his childhood friend turned bully. "I have to wait for my new guardians. They work at UA, so it's probably still going to be a while."

UA, the dream school of both boys, Bakugou recognizes. He also recognizes that not one single staff member of that school is anything less than a pro hero. Deku is living with heroes now. He really needs to dial down on the bullying if he doesn't want them to find out.

"Here, Deku." Kacchan holds out his phone for Izuku. "Call them and tell them you're walking home with me. I'm sure the old hag will be happy to see you."

"You'll have to remind me of your address to tell them." Izuku knows that Kacchan won't accept a thank you, so he doesn't say it. He just searches for the number for UA and calls. When the phone is answered, he simply asks for either of his guardians. "Is Eraser Head or Present Mic available?"

The conversation with Aizawa doesn't take long, Shouta practically encourages Izuku to go to his pseudo-brother's house after school every day while he waits for the heroes to get out of school. He figures being around people Izuku knows well will help the boy with becoming more accustomed to his new situation.

"Old Hag, I'm home!" Bakugou yells the moment both boys step foot through the door.

"A-are you ever going t-to stop calling her that?" Izuku murmurs at the same time that Mitsuki yells back.

"What have I said about yelling the second you get home!?" She appears in front of them, completely ready to smack her son on the back of the head. Once she sees Izuku, she pauses for a moment before continuing the process on coming towards her son.

Bakugou isn't usually one to fight back with his mom, but what she told him this morning forces his hand to catch her wrist before she can hit him. "Not in front of Deku."

Izuku has seen these interactions between mother and son on multiple occasions, but after what happened to his mother, the motions that Mitsuki takes towards Kacchan only makes him back away in fear. Mitsuki doesn't notice the small boy's actions until after her son's comment.

"I'm sorry, Izuku, I should have thought..." she trails off.

"Yeah, you should have, Hag." Kacchan growls remembering a time when he used to protect Deku from seeing what his home life was like before, back when it was really bad.

"I'm sorry, Katsuki, I wasn't thinking of what he witnessed." Mitsuki apologizes to her overprotective son. She's glad to see a bit of his old protective nature towards the boy instead of the aggression that he's been showing the past few months. Maybe the two boys can be friends again.

Katsuki rolls his eyes before dragging Izuku to the couch to work on homework together until one of Izuku's hero guardians arrives to pick him up.

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