i saw a shooting star and thought of you

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"Okay, you know what? We're pulling up every security feed within a two-mile radius. There's got to be an origin point for whatever just hit the waterfront."

Supergirl eyed everything around her with J'onn right behind her, trying to find where the hit was. "J'onn, can you locate DuBois telepathically?" She asked.

"I'll try," J'onn said before he started to look around with his eyes glowed red. But with no luck. "I can't sense DuBois' mind."

"I don't get it. The cloaking device should not be able to cloak a missile."

"Then what just hit us and where did it come from?" J'onn asked but Supergirl stepped forward a little. Her eyes were on Iris by the railing, though she had hurt herself from falling, she was helping people get away.

"The pressure regulator wasn't meant for high altitude, it was meant for low altitude," Supergirl said before she looked at J'onn. "They're underwater."

Suddenly, another explosion hit the waterfront, sending more people tumbling to the ground, and cracks through the pavement. So Supergirl flew up and zoomed over to the water to find where it was coming from as the crowd continued to run away frantically. "I cannot track that explosion to the source, you guys. The radar is not picking up any underwear signals."

"I'll clear that building," J'onn said up towards the sky so Supergirl could hear him. He then pressed his comms. "Danvers, Sawyer, Iris, stay on the waterfront. Supergirl, find that submarine."

Supergirl stared at the water, still not sure where to find the submarine, so she fluttered her eyes shut, and focused on the sounds around her. The crowd shouting. A baby crying. Water bubbling down below. A heart beating down below. She then opened her eyes and zoomed into the water.

Seeing this, Iris slightly gasped while Alex and Maggie ran to her side at the railings. "She can't breathe underwater," Alex said as Iris tightened her grip on the railings, scared what could happen next.


Underwater, Supergirl zoomed through the water, until she had hit an invisible force. But when she looked, she had saw that she uncovered the submarine. She couldn't do anything else since the sub fired another missile. She immediately swam towards it, but it was too late. It exploded on her.


Amongst the crowd, Ruby and her mother got separated, and her mother was in a shredding fear of not knowing where her baby was, while Ruby was terrified because she was lost and wanted her mom. "Ruby! Ruby!" The woman called out.


The woman looked around, hearing her name, but she still couldn't find her baby. "Ruby?"


But suddenly, there was another explosion, and it sent everyone to the ground. But when Ruby's mother slowly got up, she saw Ruby, stuck underneath huge metal tower. "RUBY!" She screamed before she ran up to her, to find Ruby crying. "Ruby. Oh, baby." She then tried to lift the tower off of her, but she couldn't. "Help! Somebody help me!" Suddenly, out of no where, the woman was able to crush the tower and have the strength to move it off of Ruby. She didn't question it, not yet. Ruby sat up and the woman hugged her tightly, as they both cried.

Meanwhile, on the railings, Iris, Alex and Maggie all stared at the water in fear. "Oh, no," Alex muttered. "Supergirl? Supergirl?"

"Kara?" Iris asked but they heard nothing. "Kara!"


Drowning to the bottom, Supergirl was anything but awake. She didn't hear the calls out for her friends, or loved ones. Nothing. But she suddenly had a vision, of Barry in the fields. He was in his Flash suit, but with his shawl off. He was starting right at her. "Wake up!" She gasped awake from her unconsciousness and zoomed towards the submarine. She floated up towards where the missiles came out from and stopped another one from zooming out. She put it back in the targeting hole, causing the entire submarine to shake.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat