i saw a shooting star and thought of you

Start from the beginning

"You too. Forever," Alex said.

"You two are my favorite couple."

"Winn, shut up."
"Winn, get off the comms."

Alex smiled softly before she glanced over at the side railings, and saw Iris, standing there by herself, just staring out at the water. "Iris — you okay?" Alex asked into comms.

"I'm okay. I just miss him." Alex frowned a little. "But I miss her more."

"You have to know that she didn't mean any of it. She's just as heartbroken as you are," Alex said, but Iris didn't respond. She just continued to stare out in silence. But then a little girl zoomed by, excited to get to the front, but had accidentally bumped into Alex.

"Oh, sorry!" The girl called out, as she continued to run up.

"Hey! Watch out there," Alex said as a woman ran past, seeming to be the little girl's mother.

"Ruby! Rubes, come here, baby," the woman said, and the little girl walked back up to her mother, the two of them facing Alex now. "I don't think that was an apology."

"I'm very sorry for bumping into you," the little girl, Ruby, said and Alex smiled.

"Thank you for apologizing," Alex said and Ruby looked at her mom.

"Can I go now, Mom? I want to get up close," Ruby said.

"Just don't get so far ahead I can't see you, okay?" Her mom said and just like that, Ruby sprinted off towards the crowds again.

"She's fun," Alex said.

"Thanks. Just trying to enjoy the microsecond I have left before she's a teenager," her mom said and Alex smiled. "Bye."

"Bye," Alex said as she walked off after her daughter.

"Ladies and gentlemen of National City, please welcome the chairwoman and CEO of L-Corp, Lena Luthor."

Lena walked on the stage, in front of a huge sheet that had the House of El symbol on it. She walked up to the microphone as the crowd cheered and applauded. "Now, I know you all didn't come here to see me. So, I'll start with the good stuff, and then I'll say just a few very brief words — my fellow citizens of National City, the Girl of Steel." The sheet went down a silver statue of Supergirl in a flying pose appeared as everyone cheered in the crowds.

Back on top of the building, Supergirl looked down at the statue as J'onn smiled at her. "There you are," J'onn said and Supergirl couldn't but smile.

"I am so honored to be able to present this statue of our hometown hero. Some of you must be thinking, I know. It's a cold day in hell, a Luthor praising a Kryptonian. But ever since I came here, she has been an inspiration to me. She's been a mentor, and most importantly, she's been a friend."

"Now would be a good time for you to get down there and join the crowd," J'onn said, and Supergirl was about to fly down there, when suddenly there was an explosion somewhere, causing the entire place to shake.

Supergirl and J'onn flew down to the ground as everyone tried to evacuate, but mothers and daughters got separated, while girls longing for their lost loves tumbled to the ground. "Schott, did you see where that missile came from?" J'onn asked in comms.

"We have no heat signature, okay, there's no atmospheric distribution, there's no electromagnetic trail. Alex, have you seen anything?"

Alex running about the plaza, trying to help people escape, pressed her comms. "Negative visual contact. It came out of nowhere," Alex said.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now