53 Neuter

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The short walk to the dining hall feels like entirely not long enough to wade through my thoughts. Against all odds, Eli has pulled off a miracle and found where I came from and that stirs up a brand new batch of emotions I'm not prepared for.

I had a pack.

I had somewhere I belonged and he assures me they are good people but, if that's the case, why didn't anyone come for me? What happens now? Will they expect favours or want anything to do with me? Would it still matter if I wasn't the Queen?

Familiar pressure starts to form behind my eyes as my tension mounts. I push all of those thoughts away and try to focus on the here and now. Willow and Kane are here and have come to stay for two weeks. In such a short time, I've grown very close to Willow and found myself missing her a lot since coming here. Sure we text but long distance is no substitute for in the flesh.

Boisterous laughter greets me before I even have a chance to open the door to the private dining room. Kane's distinctive bellow can probably be heard a mile away but the chorus of laughs sounds as though I'm missing out on a hell of a joke.

"Jess!" Willow announces the moment I step through the door.

The sight in front of me is downright comical at the polarity. The Royal pack's rank wolves and ours are here, plus Kane and Willow, and the divide is clear. Our people are laughing and talking animatedly while most of the royals are sitting and staring with bored expressions like they are being forced to eat with the peasants.

'No one asked them to stay,' Ember points out.

'Not wrong, but leave them to sulk. They'll judge us either way. After the day I've had, I don't give two shits,' I reply with a laugh.

"Just in time, the appetizer rounds are coming," Sara announces as she licks her lips. All she cares about now are the three F's, food, fighting, and fucking.

'I'm pretty sure she's combined all three based on the ruckus the other day,' Ember snickers.

"Rounds?" I parrot, taking my seat next to Chris as he slides the chair out for me.

"Head chef selection begins, remember?" Rebecca chides, rolling her eyes at me.

'The fuck is her problem?' Kane booms in my head. I flinch having never heard him before nor such volume.

'Pretty sure that I exist,' I practically whisper back to encourage him to bring it down a notch.

'Do all the royal pack have sticks up their asses? Or just the ones I've met?' he asks with a smirk, making me choke on my water.

'They're not all bad... just dusty and the worst are the most vocal,' I drawl.

Right on cue, several platters are brought out, piled high with all sorts of culinary delights. My eyes automatically land on cheesy garlic bread and I'm only too happy to take a piece.

"I could get used to this," Kane says with a grin before turning his attention to Nex. "No wonder why you never came back."

"Killian has job security man," Nex replies with a crooked grin as he drapes his arm over the back of Sara's chair. "I'm a lost cause."

"God Killer, did you neuter him?!" Kane asks Sara, his face twisted in disgust. "He's so sappy now."

"Not in time," she grumbles, tossing a mushroom cap in her mouth.

"Hmm?" Rebecca asks, having picked up on something.

"No one's neutering anyone," Chris grumbles. He uses his superior reach and puts a loaded potato skin on my plate.

The Alpha King's WrathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora