6 Blast from the Past

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Big thanks to who ever recomended my book on tiktok! It was much appreciated and I can use all the help possible!

"Never fucking easy with you is it?" A man growls as fear grips me.

This one is far more dangerous then Dimitri, and not dead...

I drag my trembling body onto my hands and knees, my heart hammering as I glare at the imposing Alpha male with silver-blue eyes and blonde hair. The last time we met he showed me the horrors of a world where Dimitri won to try and manipulate me to choose a different path.

"What do you want, Lucian," I growl, struggling to my feet.

"Some thanks," he huffs, frowning. Lucian throws up his hands and steps back, looking over his shoulder. Instantly, I turn to see what he's looking at. A stunning blue-eyed blonde woman with alabaster skin stands with a hulking black haired, gold-eyed male.

"Selena?" I gasp at the presence of the Moon Goddess and first Alpha, trying to put the pieces together. "What's going on Luca?"

"Calm down Jess," Selena coos, bringing her hands to my temple and shoulder. My body instantly responds to her cool touch as her essence seeps into mine, flooding me with calmness. Slowly, my heartbeat and breathing return to normal and I blink, clearing my vision.

Owl's hoot in the evening air along with crickets and frogs as the wind rustles through the tall trees. The same ancient forest with massive old growth conifers surround us.

"What is going on!?" I snap once more, my eyes darting from Lucian to Selena and Luca then back to Selena. No one but me seems upset and only Selena shows a hint of concern in her unwavering gaze.

"What were you dreaming of before Lucian grabbed you?" She asks cautiously. Her body is tense and concern etches her features as she waits for my answer.

"Just a nightmare... thought dreams were your thing?" I question, shaking my head to keep the memories at bay.

"Sort of... but you put a wall up," she murmurs, furrowing her brows. "I've never came across anything like that before..."

"I don't know how I did that?" I murmur.

I still struggle to block the pack link, I don't know how I would manage to block a bloody Goddess!

"Maybe it's not her?" Lucian muses.

"Then who?" Luca counters.

"Why am I here?" I groan, feeling my frustration swell to a dangerous level.

"I tried to check in with you and couldn't," Selena starts. "After a couple of days of trying, I asked Lucian." She nods, smiling fondly at him.

"And as always." He grins cockily at Luca, "The right man for the job got it done."

"Can I have some warning next time?" I groan as a shiver runs down my spine. "That's so much worse than it was last time."

"Well, Mr. Happy you were wrestling with didn't look too patient... some dreams you've got there, Highness," Lucian drawls, stressing my title.

I sigh and sink down on a nearby boulder, dropping my head in my hands.

Now I can't even get respite from this shit in my dreams!

"Did you know?" I ask, lifting my gaze to Selena. "That all of this was going to happen? Royalty and pregnant, you couldn't have spaced those apart some?"

A soft, musical laugh slips past her lips as she crouches before me, taking my hands in hers. "You give me too much credit, I'm just one being watching over many with free will... but that does bring us to why I was originally checking in."

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