44 Choices

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Sleep comes easy when I'm with Chris. Having him close wraps me up in a cocoon of safety and muffles the noise around me.

He insisted I sleep on the way back to the palace so I was well rested when we got there. Our trip may have been short but not only do I feel well-rested and recharged, I can see the change in Chris.

The palace was wearing him down. He wasn't sleeping well and each day he seemed to worry about me more and more. The greenhouse was the final straw, I don't know what he would have done had we not spent the night at the cabin.

Passing the mountain ranges that protect the valley the palace lies in feels different this time. The ancient forest still hums with old energy but it feels slightly cleaner or brighter.

Looking around, the landscape has changed drastically since we left. The hold out leaves hanging on the trees with their brilliant fall colours have finally fallen and there is a dusting of snow barely enough to cover the ground.

Chris pulls up to the front door but having slept most of the way here, Ethan is wide awake this time and eager to see his friends. My eyes immediately go to Jace, Barron, and Percival as they come outside the front door.

'So much for a warm welcome,' Ember growls, still bitter about the old man's outburst.

Jace has bags under his grey eyes and his golden brown hair is long past playboy tousled and straight into unkempt, making me question if he has even slept since we left. Both Barron and Percival stand stoic and stiff as usual and wait for us to exit.

"There's my elf!" Jace greets, summoning energy he didn't look like he possessed. In the blink of an eye, he wraps me up for a quick hug before clapping Chris on the shoulder and whispering, "Thank god!"

"Highness', welcome back," Barron greets, gesturing for us to come in. I'm only too happy to make my way in, out of the cold.

"No need to be so formal," Chris reminds him. Titles don't phase him but he knows they make me uneasy.

I follow Jace in and freeze just inside the doorway, seeing several people waiting that I didn't know or had only seen in passing. Their anxious energy and intent gaze makes my heart beat pick up and leaves me stepping back towards Chris, who absentmindedly tucks me into his side and wraps a protective arm around me.

"I trust your trip was good?" Barron asks, oblivious to my reaction.

"Very," Chris replies, tensing up slightly. "I see everything is good here?" His statement is phrased more like a question as he scrutinizes the people gathered.

"Of course. Everything is falling into place nicely, in fact, we are right on schedule for your coronation. Your Beta is full of surprises," he mumbles more to himself.

"He's yet to disappoint," Chris replies, matter-of-factly, meeting Barron's gaze.

"You'll have to forgive them your- Jess," Barron catches himself, gesturing to the gathered people. "Border guards put out the word that you guys were back and they wanted to make sure you got a warm welcome."

'Warm?!' Ember scoffs.

"Thank you," I reply with a far more confident tone than I expected, complete with a smile.

"Of course, Your Highness," a man replies, stepping forward. He's well into his forties, maybe older with thinning brown hair and eyes. Immediately, I pick up on his lackluster energy, feeling the slightest taint. "We are all looking forward to the festivities, if there is anything we can do to help, you need only mention it."

"Thank you Jeremiah," Barron cuts in, his tone measured and on the edge of irritation. "The King and Queen have had a long trip, we really must be moving on," Barron says, once again gesturing ahead. "I'm sure if they have need they will call upon you."

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