7 Cat and Mouse

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This week has made me pray for my old life back. I find myself thinking about the quiet times I spent with Jess at her farm, or even back at Still Waters. I miss how simple things were back then, before the cluster fuck that was Conference and the dark ages of war. My life was simple and fulfilling.

I was an Alpha of a strong, prosperous pack and everything was falling into place. I finally had my mate and for the rocky start, my new Gamma Jude has been a solid addition too. Even after the war ended, I thought we had a plan - go back to Still waters, rebuild it bigger and better, and fill it with family.

With Jace, Jude, and Sara all mated now I thought we were entering a period of quiet growth. I was over the moon to find out that Jess is pregnant, Claire is due any day now, and the idea of filling our pack house with the sound of children still brings a smile to my lips. Even Ethan was on board after he realized we weren't replacing him. Hell, I'm determined to give my son the childhood he has been robbed of, but all of that went down the drain the moment the Palace guards showed up.

What I wouldn't have given to have a little more time with my mate without the crushing responsibilities of life weighing us down.

Dad always spoke of Mom's Luna ceremony with such reverence growing up and I never understood why. How an Alpha would consider a Luna ceremony above his own Alpha ceremony as the best time of his life I couldn't fathom. And yet, seeing Jess walking up to the stage, dressed in fine silk in the moonlight with the white flames dancing around her, my father's words suddenly make sense.

Being able to welcome my other half, my equal, into my pack and help her embrace her true nature was everything. Everything felt more intense and profound then my Alpha ceremony. The night we spent in the cabin in the woods will stay with me forever. When I promised to take her to my cabin on the lake I pictured it with furniture and yet taking her over and over by the fireplace was better than I could ever have imagined.

But then reality caught up to me and here I am, feeling like a newborn pup, learning the ropes all over again from people who expect me to know this already. I can run a pack. Making decisions for the good of a pack and shouldering the weight, knowing that if I fuck up I could bring ruin, is something I can handle. Sacrificing for the good of my pack is something I learned early on, watching my parents, and the lessons served me well, but this is completely different.

Here I'm expected to delegate responsibilities and play politics more than anything. Now I'm responsible for the entire race and, if I fuck up, then the consequences could be disastrous. What's worse is that Jace and Xavier are in the same position as will Jude when he gets here. But at least they have the benefit of learning their jobs from the past since Beta, Gamma, and Delta all reside here as part of the Royal pack. My only saving grace is that Jess should be here by sundown.

Goddess how I've missed her!

I know she's not happy about this situation. Although she rarely says anything negative, I can sometimes hear it in her voice and feel her disappointment and longing through our bond. Hell, I'm not thrilled about it either, but we both know this is the way our life needs to be to protect Ethan's interests and let him be a kid for a while longer.

After a quick breakfast, I head out back to the training field, grinning when I spot Jace and Nex talking off to the side. Sara is once again arguing with the old royal head warrior. The belligerent veteran is of the old school belief on shewolves being better domestics. I'm certain he is largely responsible for the severely lacking shewolf presence in the palace's ranks. There are some, but nowhere near the amount there should be for the size of the pack. I have faith Sara will set things right when she takes over.

The Alpha King's WrathTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang