18 Good Morning

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After throwing Henry out, dinner finishes in awkward silence with everyone dispersing shortly after. I know Sara wanted to handle his ass-backward ways by herself but I couldn't stand listening to him a moment longer.

The only saving grace was being able to turn in early with Jess. She kept insisting she was fine, but I could feel her tension and exhaustion.

She's trying to hide it, but I can practically see this place sucking the life out of her.

She snuggles into my side when I turn on the TV to destress and before I even settle on something to watch, she's out. Just spending time cuddled together on the couch is enough to relax me.

I can feel her worry when she looks at me. She knows I'm stressed and offers constantly to help, but it's the things that keep me awake at night that are really weighing on me.

Stakes are higher than ever now.

I'm used to the responsibility of making sure a pack is taken care of and I like to think I was good at it.

But now I have my mate and growing family to worry about in a place I can't fully trust.

Almost every night I dream about 'what ifs,' like about being a bad king, making some political misstep that has far reaching repercussions, or that my pup is going to harm Jess... The last one makes my blood run cold, she nearly died at Dimitri's hands which was only compounded by her surprise pregnancy. I made the decision to hide her wolf from Doc, which resulted in Jess being on the wrong birth control.

I don't think I could live with myself if that happened...

As I lay here, sprawled on the couch with Jess, I find myself thinking back to our simpler and happy times. The harvest party is among the top, seeing her so carefree and happy with her friends yet she only had eyes for me. At our impromptu pool party, when Jace threw her in the pool and she dragged me in after puts a smile on my face.

There are so many happy memories and yet there have been too many bad ones too. I've nearly lost her three times now, the helpless feeling of watching my mate fight for her life on a hospital bed is crippling.

My whole job is to protect her, but we seem to be destined for a challenging life.

I sigh looking down at Jess in my arms. How I wish we could just stay here, in this moment. Not wanting to let go, I lay down, gently tucking Jess half beside me and half on top, and throw a blanket over us for the night.


"So much for bed," Jess laughs with a sleepy smile. She stretches out like a kitten after a nap, playfully scratching my chest. The feel of her soft curves rubbing up against me has me swallowing hard.

"Morning beautiful," I whisper, my voice husky from sleep as I plant a soft kiss on her forehead. "How'd you sleep?"

"Very well, Sire," she teases, amusement dancing in her honey gold eyes.

"You do love teasing me, little one, don't you?" I warn with a crooked smirk.

And what a tease she's been, not that I don't love every second of it.

Jess purses her lips for a moment, looking deep into my eyes. "Is it considered teasing if I give in? Sounds more like motivation to me..."

Well then!

"Shower?" I offer, quirking a brow.

Jess is only too eager, slipping off of me, locking eyes as she bites her bottom lip and backs to the bathroom. Her sleepy, sexy grin has all of my attention as I follow her blindly.

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