Not the only shadow 3.2

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Shadow fiddled with the device he had stolen from the boy with the hat.

Pulling up a sort of map, he learned he was on the continent of Alola, which consisted of several islands. The island he currently stood on was called Akala Island.

Apparently, this wasn't the first time Pokémon from other dimensions have accidentally invaded this one since there was an entire organization developed to study and return the displaced Pokémon.

They thought he was a Pokémon? Strange. He wasn't human, to say the least, but he had seen the bizarre types of Pokémon in the device's Pokédex.

Then the device sputtered and turned to static. Shadow cursed, they had finally caught onto the fact he was using it.

Oh well, it was useful.

Tossing it over his shoulder, no doubt they would be tracking him, and continued his walk through the forest.


The nightmare floats over the girl, it is nighttime and she is dreaming.

He extends his claws, the dream turning to a nightmare.

He feeds off the negative energy, satisfying his hunger.

But he stops.

He senses something. A familiar presence?

That is impossible. He is the only one.

Could this be a usurper? Someone that would take his job in this world?

This requires investigation.

He removes his claws from the girl, her dreams returning to pleasant ones.

Then, he teleports away.


Shadow, after several hours, finally reached the end of yet another forest and searched his surroundings.

There was a farm below, which consisted of bipedal cows, oxen with three tails, and bipedal cows.

Climbing down the cliff, he stepped off and onto the ground below. Stepping over a natural stream, he began walking through the livestock.

"Mudbray?" One of the donkeys walked up, sniffing Shadow's hand for food.

When they realized he wasn't human, they snorted and walked away.

Opening the wooden gate, and closing behind it behind him, Shadow walked up to read the sign of the building.

It was the farm he saw on the map, if he followed this road, he would be taken to the coast. From there, he could swim to Melemele Island, and from there sneak up on the artificial island and find a way off.

As he began walking, he sensed someone watching him.

Quickly turning his head, he caught a pink thing quickly moving behind a tree.

Thinking nothing of it, he continued on his way.


Swimming over from one island to the other was pleasant, it was nice when people weren't constantly trying to kill you.

Having shifted over to his man-eater form, he observed the smaller Pokémon with his four eyes.

They didn't react negatively to his presence, even though he was ten times as large as one of the big ones.

Unbeknownst to Shadow, since he swam relatively close to the surface, tourists on a boat snapped pictures of his massive fin piercing the water surface.

Me and my demon. (Multiverse fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang