Alola, Shadow!

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He fell through the tube of endless color, having absolutely no idea what was happening, and having no idea either.

The sensation was similar to that of being flushed down a drain, unable to fight against the current, only wishing you were unharmed once you exited.

Then, it stopped.

Shadow floated through space, seeing the majestic beauty of the galaxy around him.

His vision slowly turned, and Shadow could barely understand what he was seeing.

There was... a being. Its cloak, made out of the cosmos itself, covered its body except for his head. Its face was dotted with small stars, only seeming small due to the distance away they were.

Its two eyes were made out of two yellow suns, ones that illuminated Shadow as it stared down at him.

The two Paracosal beings stared at each other, no sound being made in the vast void of space.

Shadow only now realized he was still moving, now seeing this being partially from the side.

It stared curiously at Shadow as he flew through space, Shadow continued to stare back, the beauty and majestic essence making it impossible to look away.

Then, Shadow was pulled through the next portal, making him lose sight of the... thing he had just witnessed.

Now, deciding to take control. He flipped himself as he was pulled through the colorful tube.

The sensation of no control was still there, but at least he could see where he was going.

Where was he going exactly? What were these portals? And where would it take them?

Shadow tried contacting Jack but found he couldn't hear his own thoughts, which troubled him greatly.

Then, the tube straightened out. The destination is still out of sight and unclear.

A small tearing noise was heard, growing louder and louder as Shadow neared.

A rupture in the stream, a tunnel of color splitting off from the mainstream.

And in any pipe, when there is a leak the pressure is changed, and things are pulled out.

Shadow felt his momentum slowing, as he slowly began changing directions. He tried fighting it, to stay away from the rupture, but he was unable to.

His momentum changed entirely, and he felt himself being pulled through the rupture. He was pulled by his back and lost vision of where he was going.


Shadow was thrown out of the wormhole, flying through the air for a moment before smashing through a tree.

He hit the ground and rolled over his body, coming to a stop when he collided with another tree.

Slowly rolling onto his back, Shadow took a moment to gather his bearings before slowly sitting up.

"Urrgh." He rubbed his forehead, blinking the spots out of his vision.

Noticing a movement in the trees, he looked up.

A strange bird stared back.

"Uh... Hello?" Shadow said, not knowing what to make of it.

"Trumbeak." The strange bird replied. It looked similar to a woodpecker but obviously was not one.

"Strange..." Shadow said, watching the... Trumbeak.

"Trumbeak!" It retorted.

"Well, that's rude," Shadow said, of course, the bird could talk.

Me and my demon. (Multiverse fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now