What is it with these names? 2.2

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Jack slowly stirred, sitting up from the tree. Rubbing the back of his head, he felt the goose egg forming from where he hit his head.

The memories came back, he was in a foreign place, being attacked by medieval people... that was still standing over him. Jack looked upwards and saw the archer lady pointing her bow at his head.

Glancing down at his feet, he saw Shadow reforming. Apparently, the attack wasn't lethal, just stunning Shadow. The girl with the religious outfit might be troublesome if she had light spells at her disposal.

"He's human." The girl said, lowering her staff at Jack, who brushed it away. "Watch where you point that thing," Jack said, making her jump back in surprise, and the archer lady pulls back her bow.

"Who are you, Demon, and what are you doing here?" Well, Demon was a little harsh. Just because he had bonded with one didn't mean that he was a demon.

"I'm a little lost at the moment. So I don't know what I'm doing here." Jack said, raising his hands in mock surrender, they were slowly starting to turn black. He purposely avoided who he was, none of them had golden eyes, but he wasn't taking any chances. "Who are you?"

"We're adventurers. Why did you attack us?" The man in the armor said, his tone of voice being flat and uncaring. "She shot me," Shadow said, the darkness had reached his throat now.

The darkness finished swirling up Jack's head, giving Shadow control once more. Grabbing onto the tree, he lifted himself, the adventurers still not lowering their guard. "And what were you doing in that cave?"

"I woke up in there. After I found those green monsters and what they did to those girls, I killed them all." Shadow said, keeping his voice at the same time the armored man spoke, who strangely seemed to relax at the fact the monsters were dead. "What were they?"

"Goblins." The armored man said. Well, Jack was right then. "Why haven't you attacked us?" The elf girl said, if she was an elf then that would make sense why her ears were so long. "If you are comparing me to my brethren, know that I am very different than them," Shadow said, making the rest raise their eyebrows in suspicion.

"You already saw the human I was partnered with," Shadow said, pressing a palm to his chest. "Y-your partnered with him? That means he's a separate person?" The girl with the staff said, taking a step closer to Shadow. Shadow quickly took a step away.

"...Yes," Shadow said, eyeing the small girl cautiously. Clearing his throat, he turned back to the party of adventurers, glancing at the girl once more. "I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot, I do not know if you can trust me or not, but I believe proper introductions are in order?"

The elf archer finally lowered her bow, but still eyeing the demon hesitantly. "I am Goblin Slayer. Thank you for killing those goblins." Goblin Slayer said, was that his actual name? It was more like a title.

"I am Lizard Priest, and if Orcbolg trusts you, I will trust you as well." The large half-dragon said, again with the strange names, did they not have actual ones? "My name is High Elf archer... sorry for shooting at you."

"I am Dwarf Shaman, and I stand with Lizard! If ol' beard cutter trusts you then so do I." Dwarf Shaman? "A-Ahem, my name is Priestess, it's a pleasure to meet you." The small girl said, Shadow finally learning her name.

Shadow was about to mention his name when Jack stopped him. "This place is obviously different than where we are from, if we want to blend in we'll need a name like theirs." "Very well, I am... Rouge Demon."


The party accepted his name, and they began the long trek back to the town they hailed from. Shadow walked alongside them, High elf archer still not trusting him, so she kept Priestess between Shadow and Herself.

Me and my demon. (Multiverse fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now