Demigods and Demons 4.2

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"A what now?" Jack asked.

"Demi-god... where one of your parents is a being of extreme power? Usually corresponds with you not knowing one of your parents?" The girl restrained in Mew's telekinetic grip said.

"No, can't say that I am," Jack said, choosing not to lie. It may help him in the future.

"So you're a monster then..." The large boy said, twisting slightly in the air.

"Well, that's a little harsh. I'm still very much human thank you." Jack responded faking being insulted.

"Then... what are you?" The girl asked.

"Something else," Jack replied ominously.

"Now, your turn to answer my questions," Jack said.

"First, where am I?" Jack asked, straight to the point.

"Um... your about half a mile from Camp Jupiter." The girl responded.

"I don't know what that is."

"Uh... You're in California?" The girl tried again.

"Well, at least that's familiar..." Jack said.

He nodded to Mew, and he slowly lowered the two to the ground.

"I guess introductions are in order. My name is Jack." Jack said, extending his hand to lift the girl off the ground.

His eyes glanced to her hand, which slowly moved to her sheathed sword. In one quick motion, she drew it and thrusted it at Jack's chest.

Having seen the attack ahead of time, Jack dodged to the side, redirecting the attack by grabbing her wrist. He then struck a pressure point on her wrist, making her drop the weapon.

Goblin Slayer had taught him that.

The large boy had picked up his bow and an arrow, quickly pulling back the string to shoot it forward, and it launched towards Mew.

He responded by becoming intangible, the arrow passing through.

Jack twisted the girl's arm, and she fell to the ground in pain, her arm on the edge of breaking.

"You know, it's kind of rude to not tell the other person their name after they introduce theirs," Jack said, the girl gasping as she tried to move her arm, but only found pain.

"Gah! H-Hazel! That's my name!" Hazel replied, and Jack let her go.

Jack sighed and offered his hand once more.

"Sorry about that, I don't want to fight, but getting hurt isn't fun either," Jack explained, and this time Hazel took Jack's hand.

She stood, starting to trust Jack slightly.

She turned to Frank, who was standing completely still. His eyes were glossed over as he watched Mew.

"Frank?" Hazel asked, and Mew's eyes stopped glowing. Frank snapped out of the trance and looked around confused.

"Sorry! I just didn't want to fight." A telepathic message was sent from Mew to the three of them.

"W-What?" Hazel questioned.

"Oh sorry! I'm Mew, I forgot to introduce myself!" Mew said, putting his hand on his chest and bowing mid-air.

Frank stared at the two stupefied, Hazel walking up next to him and sharing the same look.

"What... What in Tartarus are you two?" Frank asked.


"Well... in simple terms... I'm hunting an entity capable of mass destruction and manipulation across the multiverse, I have a six billion-year-old demon bonded to me, and Mew is a god." Jack said quickly.

Me and my demon. (Multiverse fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now