No rest for the wicked 2.9

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He arrived at the town at night, strolling through the town that had all but gone to sleep.

He looked up to the stars, even though he did not recognize the constellations, he wondered if she would.

His mood sours after remembering her. Violet. His sister, the person that had kept him moving for years.

He walks through the town, looking at the small shops, the small businesses, and restaurants. Violet always liked those, she always said they tried the hardest.

He remembered the small Mexican restaurant at the end of their street, the friendly manager that they had known. He mowed the lawns himself, using the lawnmower he used at his house.

Their food was amazing, and they are there almost every week.

He kept walking, pulling his scarf up to his eyes.

He remembers her leadership attitude, always claiming that she was the older sibling by five seconds. Jack had argued with her then, but still... he wished he could take it back.

He walks to the guild building, his black scarf slightly blowing in the night breeze.

With the memories of his parents that he still had, he thinks they loved camping and loved to visit family.

His memories of them were... foggy. They had been forcefully cut out of his mind, leaving him to look at the bits of pieces that remained.

Violet tried to tell him about them, how they had caring smiles, how their dad cooked, and their mother baked.

He didn't remember that, but he did remember something, something as clear as day.

He remembered hiding in the closet, as gunfire was heard outside.

He remembered watching his father hit the ground, bullet holes in his chest.

He remembered the soldiers finding them, and tearing them apart.

He walks down the path, a noise drawing his attention. A person held a woman at knifepoint, seemed not everything had changed.

He strode over, the mugger not noticing him.

He grabbed hold of the mugger's wrist and twisted backward. Several cracking noises were heard as his scream rang out, a jab to the throat silenced that.

A final kick to the head, and He walked away satisfied.


The guild was quiet, Guild girl having fallen asleep on the counter.

He walked past, knowing his room was still reserved.

He took steps up the dark staircase, his red eyes glowing slightly, the only light source but he didn't need it.

He opened the door to his room, closing it behind him and locking it.

He was hungry, but that could wait until tomorrow.

He was thirsty.

He was tired.

He fell back on his bed, sighing as he looked up to the ceiling.

Hours later, he still wasn't asleep.

He sat up. He didn't need sleep anyway.

He remembered waking up to Violet's music blaring on weekends. When she refused to wear headphones when Shadow asked her to clean.

He missed music and would have to find some. Hard to do that in a medieval fantasy world.

He stood off the bed and walked to the window.

Me and my demon. (Multiverse fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now