Interlude 2.7

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In the town the night before, Jack slept peacefully on a bed, Shadow taking the moment to rest as well.

Fungi warrior slept in the forest, or whatever he did that replaced sleeping. Jack did learn that Fungi warrior had to be careful to not root himself into the ground when he slept, it had happened before.

Princess Jasmine slept in her own room, Dwarf guard dozing outside the room, leaning back in the chair.

But as everyone slept, something was amiss.

Heavy Paladin was wide awake, standing fully armored in his room. He pulled out a scroll from a secret compartment in his armor, he opened it and scanned it over quickly with his golden eyes.

Setting it down on the floor, he took a kneeling position as the letters on the scroll began glowing gold.

A mystical projection lifted off the letters, forming a golden figure that stood over Heavy Paladin.

"Report." The mysterious figure said.

"The princess is still alive." Heavy Paladin reported robotically as if he was in a trance.

"That is... regrettable. Why has your mission failed so far?" The figure questioned.

"All the fleet ships and pirate ships were either scared off or destroyed by one of her protectors." Heavy Paladin reported.

"Who has done this?"

"A new adventurer, going by the name Rogue demon. He has asphalt-colored skin and a deep ashen voice. He has the ability to shapeshift, and is very powerful."

The figure stopped pacing back and forth, staring at Heavy Paladin in shock, before anger.

"What?" He said, almost in a whisper.

"My lord, did I do something wrong? Please forgive me for my mistake-" He began before being cut off.

"No. It is not something you have control over. I thought I was rid of that cursed demon..." The figure said, whispering the last part.

"This is what you will do. You will take the rest of your party's trust away from this... "Rogue demon." And deal with him. Be sure you use your light spells. He has a certain weakness to those."

The figure said, and the golden image returned to the scroll on the ground. Heavy Paladin stood to pick it up, uttering a single phrase.

"All is holy in the eyes of the savior."




Shorter chapter, but I think it's pretty important huh?

Me and my demon. (Multiverse fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now