Chapter Fifteen

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TW: mentions of self harm, suicide, ed, abuse

"Tommy." A voice whispered. "Tommy, wake up." Tommy opened his eyes to see Phil bending down to look at him. "You're finally awake." Phil smiled. "Well, today's the day. We're going to save Techno." Tommy shot his head up to look at Phil. "We- we are?" Tommy asked. Phil nodded, "Well get ready. We'll leave in thirty minutes." Phil left the room as Tommy raced to get ready. It was the day. It was finally here. Their lives would finally be whole again. Tommy didn't know who exactly kidnapped Techno but he was ready to fight them. He ran out of his room but stopped. There was something he wanted to do.

The blonde walked over to a door that read, "Techno". He walked in and sat on the bed. He remembered the night he had the day before he left. He wished it could happen again. Everything was still in the same spot from that night. No one came in here, it was just a forgotten memory to everyone but Tommy. He had come in here almost every night when everyone left, just to reminisce that night. He laid back on the bed and closed his eyes.

A blonde knocked on the door at two in the morning. "Come in." The pinkette said. The blonde entered in shivering slightly. "Is it happening again?" The blonde nodded. The pinkette sighed and told him to sit down. "What was it this time, Tommy?" Tommy sat there still shivering silent. He didn't want to say it. It hurt to say it out loud. "Hey, its okay. I can help you. Please just tell me what happened." Tommy grabbed a paper from the desk and wrote, "Can I write it down? I don't feel like talking." Techno took a pencil and wrote, "Of course. Whatever makes you comfortable." Tommy took the paper back and started to write. The pinkette started observing Tommy. He was very nervous. He looked like he was going to cry. "What could've scared him so bad?" He thought. Tommy sighed and put the pencil down. He handed the pinkette the paper. "So they started off normally with like go to sleep and shit like that and then they started getting worse. They started telling me to kill myself and to starve myself because I'm worthless. Then, it said something even worse. It told me that I should've died along with my family and that I should've killed myself when I considered to. I don't even know how it knew my parents had died. It scares me because I'm wondering if it was him who is doing this. I'm so paranoid now. I'm scared he sees everything and is coming for me. I don't know what to do." He put down the paper and cried a little. He saw Tommy crying into his hoodie. He looked back at the paper and started writing something. He handed Tommy back the paper. Tommy read it. "I'm so sorry that those voices did that. I promise you that I won't let anyone hurt you. You are safe with me, Wilbur, Tubbo, and Phil. We all love you. I promise that you will be safe with me. I will never break that promise."

But that promise was broken. He left him the next day. He wasn't safe anymore. Techno left him. He had no one. No one at all. He wanted him back. He told himself that his promise wasn't broken. He told himself that Techno will come back. He had done that for the last two years, but he never came back to fulfill his promise. It was broken. A promise that meant the world to Tommy was broken.

"Tommy!" Phil yelled, "Come on, it's time to go."

Maybe, that promise won't be broken after all.

Tommy ran downstairs to see them all ready for action. He saw a razor peaking out of Tubbo's backpack. "You don't need that, Tubbo." Tommy whispered in Tubbo's ear. Tubbo looked over at him and then the razor. He took it out of the bag and threw it back in the trash. Tommy gave Tubbo a slight hug before running out to join the others. Tommy stopped at the door though. He ran back upstairs to grab something from his room. He opened the door and rummaged through his closet. He found his violin. He needed it. He ran back downstairs. "Now we're all here." Phil said. Just like that, they were on their way to find Techno.

It seemed perfect. Tubbo was collecting flowers and chasing bees, Wilbur was being Wilbur, and Phil was watching Tubbo with a smile. It seemed perfect. Tommy didn't want it to end but all good things come to an end. Tommy knew that. He used to be happy with his biological family and then it ended. He escaped his chronic abuse and then faced everlasting side effects. It all had to end. He tried not to think of that. He tried but he couldn't stop thinking of what could go wrong.

"Hey guys. It's getting to be night. We should rest here." Phil announced. Tommy looked up at the sky. It was dark and clear. He could see the stars. It was perfect. They set up their camp and went to their beds. They all were asleep except for Tommy. Tommy grabbed his violin and walked away from the camp. He walked until he reached an opening. He took out his violin and prepared to play.

song recommendation for this part is change my clothes -alec benjamin acoustic version

He slid his bow across the strings and sang,

"i'd rather find out than regret never trying now"

He started to let old memories fill his mind

"i won't let inhibitions take control"

He looked out into the night starry sky

"i'd rather fail than spend my life in a jail of very own creation, of my very own creation"

He already was spending his life in a jail but by someone else's creation.

"i really wanna change the world but can't change my clothes"

He heard twigs snapping. He put down his violin and snu over to the sound. Tubbo popped up from out of the bushes. "Nice singing, Tommy." He exclaimed. Tommy smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Where do you even learn all these songs?" Tubbo asked. Tommy frowned slightly. "My mother taught me them when I was younger." Tommy said. Tubbo nodded and locked his attention on the bee on the flower next to him.

"Tommy!" A voice shouted. "Come down here!" Tommy got up from the floor. "Coming!" There was other one sitting on the floor as well. "Oooooo, what'd you do this time?" It said. "Be quiet sis." Tommy scoffed. She laughed as Tommy ran downstairs. He saw his mother sitting on the couch with two things in her hands. She smiled when she saw him. "Ah, there you are. Oh, what happened to your face?" She asked. Tommy had a bandage on his cheek and his nose. "I accidentally fell when I was playing tag with Katie." He said excitingly. She laughed, "Oh, well you should be more careful especially with what I got you." She held out a violin and three records. Tommy's eyes shinned. "Woah, are those for me?" He gasped. She nodded and he took them out of her hands. He began to practice it everyday in front of his sister. It had been two months since he got the violin. "Tommy!" His sister said, "Play that song called something my clothes." He smiled. "You mean Change my Clothes?" She nodded. He put the record on the player and picked up his bow. The song began to play and Tommy took a deep breath. He began to sing it. His mother slowly walked up the stairs to hear him singing as sister sat there in awe. She teared up a little to see her son so happy. 

He used to be so happy. He wanted to go back to being young again. The sun was starting to rise. "Tubbo." Tommy said. Tubbo turned around with tons of flowers in his hands and bees sitting on his head. "We should head back. Also how do you do that." He said with a confused look. Tubbo just shrugged and ran back to the camp. Maybe he was happy. Maybe he was.

1395 words

a/n: omggg ty guys for 220 reads and 40 votes <3 have some wholesome like six year old tommy angst with his family before shit happened lmao. anyways, pls tell me if i missed any tws and hydrate, eat, and take care of yourself. gn or gd <3

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