chapter one

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calm, quiet, and peaceful. the early morning was so quiet that you could hear a tiny mouse squeak. the birds were not awake yet, the baby foxes were still asleep, and the squirrels were still and quiet. no fruits have fallen from the trees nor branches. it was a perfect morning in the forest until it was interrupted by the sound of running. a small, blonde boy was sprinting through the bushes and tall grass. the sound woke up the forest. the birds started to sing, the foxes began running, and the squirrels started eating the nuts in the trees. fruits were falling and branches were breaking. that once peaceful morning was no longer there. the forest kept waking up as the boy ran further and further into the forest. his tears from his red stained face fell onto the plants that were crushed by his little feet. he kept running through the forest but his legs gave way. he fell onto the lush grass on the forest floor and looked up at the trees. the sun was shining through the trees, making his light yellow hair shine. he had no more tears. he could hear rustling and branches breaking in the distance. "its them" he said, "they already found me." he laid there, taking in the sight before he met his fate. he closed his eyes. he didn't want to see them again.

it stopped. there was no noise, no movement, nothing. "hello?" a voice whispered. he opened his eyes to see a curious face looking at him. the face belonged to a boy who looked about his age. he stared at the face with fear. "don't worry, i'm not here to hurt you." the face continued. the boy looked at his eyes. they were a light green colour and had a calm expression. "my name's toby but some people call me tubbo." the face said. toby sat down beside the boy and just waited. after a few minutes of silence, the other spoke. "hi, toby. i'm tommy." toby jumped up. "oh my god, you spoke!" tommy gave a slight smile. 

as toby jumped around, the sun began to shine brightly through the trees. the sunlight hit tommy's hair. his hair turned into a second sun. toby stared at the blinding hair in awe. "your hair is so pretty. how?" toby whispered. tommy shrugged as he looked up at his hair. it didn't take long for toby to become comfortable with tommy. you could tell when he started giving people nicknames. he liked to do that a lot. "i'll name you yellow because of your glowing hair!" toby exclaimed. tommy's face turned from neutral to annoyed quickly. "that's not my name." he sighed. "well it is now!" 

the noise of the forest was overcome by two boys bickering about a name. no longer could you hear the noises of birds chirping, leaves rustling in the wind, or the sound of a mouse squeaking. all you could hear was two names, yellow and tommy, being said by two different voices. those two names began a friendship that would last forever. so perfect and so innocent.

published: july 16th 2021
revised: december 17th 2022

524 words

Yellow - SBI FanficWhere stories live. Discover now