Chapter Six

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TW: cussing, blood, near death experience,

"I'm only here for one reason." A figure said. The teen still stood there with his sword in his hand, ready to defend himself. "I'm here for the boy." The teen's face went angry. "And what if I don't give you the boy?" The teen spat. The figure looked back to the other two people behind him and said, "Well, we take you instead. If you don't cooperate, you don't want to know what I will do to your family." "My family are all trained for anything. You can't hurt us." "But I can. I know where she is." The teen's eyes widened. "You- you are joking." The figure shook his head and teen looked worried. "You have one week to decide."

Tommy was walking down the ivory staircase to grab his coat and shoes. His shoes looked really worn out, he thought he should ask Phil for some new ones soon. He walked by the height marks on his way to the door. "How the fuck is he fourteen?" Tommy whispered to himself. He was staring at Tubbo's height mark compared to his. "At least I'm taller than him." He laughed. He went to the big, wooden door. He hesitated to open the door. He didn't know who those people were, but he had to know. He opened the door. It was cold and windy. His blonde hair flowed in the wind. He started to run over to the figures to see who they were. "Techno?"


The teen turned around to see a young little boy running towards him. "Tommy!" Techno said. "Go back!" The figures raised their swords. They were wanting to kill Tommy. Tommy kept running towards Techno even though he kept telling him to go back. "Please, don't hurt him." The figures put their swords down. As Techno was running to Tommy to protect him, an arrow flew past him but it didn't hit him. "TOMMY!" Techno yelled. The arrow hit Tommy in the stomach. Tommy fell to the ground as the figures ran back into the bushes. The snow was starting to be stained by Tommy's blood. "I told you to go back." Techno cried. "I'm sorry." Tommy replied. "I should've listened." Techno sat there holding the dying boy. He started to cry as his younger brother stared at him with his blue little eyes. He remember at that moment something that could save him.

He ran back home with the boy to grab the potion that he had been working on. He was rummaging through his drawers to find where he had hidden his potion. He grabbed a bottle that read "Test #57". He started to feel less confident with his potion but it was worth a shot at saving his brother. He ran back downstairs to Tommy. He took out the arrow and Tommy flinched at the pain. "I'm sorry Tommy but this will make you feel better." He took the bottle and poured it onto his wound. Techno sat there waiting for something to happen, Tommy was still asleep. It didn't work. Techno still believed he still had a chance.

"TECHNO!" Tommy yelled. Techno got up and shushed him. "What happened? Why am I on the kitchen counter and WHY IS THERE BLOOD?" Tommy said, quickly. Techno didn't answer and just hugged him. Tommy was still confused by everything that just happened. He didn't remember. Maybe it was a good thing. Just maybe. "Maybe we should go back to bed and never speak about this again." Techno suggested. Tommy nodded in agreement and walked upstairs with Techno. Tommy walked back into Wilbur's room. Wilbur and Tubbo were still fast asleep. So peaceful and innocent. He climbed back into bed and hopefully he can go back to sleep.

Techno watched Tommy walk back into Wilbur's room before he went back to his. He sat at his desk, not being able to sleep after everything he just witnessed. He started to write on a scrap piece of paper he found lying on his dresser.

Dear Angel,

It worked. My potion worked but I found out not the way I wanted to learn it. I was talking with some.. old friends and they attacked Tommy. It's all my fault because I should have not just sat there and led Tommy back inside. The good thing though is that Tommy doesn't remember what happened. I showed emotion for the first time. I bet you would be proud of me. I have a week left with my family before I go back with my friends. I want to protect her. My family is the most important thing I have right now so I need to protect them. I will miss writing to you so consider this my last letter to you even though you can't even read these. Good bye Angel


As he finished writing and put his pen back, he saw that it was slowly becoming day again. He barely got any sleep but every hour he had with his family, he would cherish. Every minute he had with his family, he would cherish. Every second he had with his family, he would cherish. He would cherish everything until it was his time to go. Go with them, to protect the family he loves. So Tommy and Tubbo could have the one and only thing they wished for. Love and Home but mostly. Home

897 Words

a/n: thank you guys so much for 48 reads and 13 votes! its just insane! And as always please tell me if I have missed any trigger warnings! Stay safe and hydrated! Have a good day or night!

Yellow - SBI FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora