Chapter Eight

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TW: cussing

a/n: this chapter is two days after the last chapter so its a time skip :D

"Checkmate. I win!" Tubbo yelled. Tommy stared at him, holding back laughter. "You just moved mine, Tubbo." Tommy said. "Thanks for doing that because now I can win." Tommy moved his pawn. "Checkmate." Tommy whispered. Tubbo stared and laid down. "That's not fair!" Tubbo cried. "I didn't know that was yours!" Tommy couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing. Tubbo turned red and continued to complain. 

"Hey Tom." Wilbur said. Tommy shuttered and turned quickly from the game he had just won. He didn't like that name. It reminded him of them. "Oh, what is it Wilbur?" Tommy replied shakily. Wilbur noticed he was shaken up but didn't think it was a big deal. "Techno and I finished up your guys' rooms." Wilbur smiled. Tubbo had no hesitation and immediately ran upstairs. Tommy slowly followed behind him. He was interested but he wasn't dying to see his new room. "So Tubbo that one is yours and Tommy, yours is that one." Wilbur said. Tubbo immediately ran into his room as Wilbur walked back into his room. Tommy entered his room.

"Hello Tommy." Techno said. He was sitting in the windowsill, looking outside. Tommy wanted to run away but he felt stuck to the ground. He still didn't have answers from that night. He wanted to know why he woke up on the kitchen counter, covered in blood. He wanted to know how he recognized him. "What are you doing in my room, Techno?" Tommy asked, sternly. Techno sighed, "I don't know. Just in here." Techno got up to walk out. "I know who you are and how I know you." Techno whispered in Tommy's ear as he walked out. Tommy stood there. He didn't feel anything. He just stood there. "How the fuck does he know me?" Tommy thought. "I don't even fucking know him." Tommy felt anger. "I'm going to go confront this bitch." He growled. 

He ran out the door to see Tubbo out in the hallway, talking to Wilbur. "Oh hi Yellow!" Tubbo said. "Wilbur was wanting to ask you if you wanted to hear about his new song." Tommy sighed with anger, "I can't right now. Maybe in half an hour." Tubbo and Wilbur looked at each other. He never acted like this before. Tommy ran downstairs. "Hey Tommy!" Phil said. "What are you doing?" Tommy wanted to ignore him but he didn't want to be rude to him. "I don't know. I'm bored. Also, do you know where Techno is?" Tommy asked. "Oh." Phil said, "He should be outside, practicing fighting. Why?" Phil noticed that something seemed off with Tommy. "Oh. I just wanted to talk to him." Tommy replied. He was sick of Phil talking with him. He just wanted to confront Techno. "You sure that's the reason Tommy? You seem angry." Phil questioned. "Yeah, that's all." Tommy said. He ran out the door. "Boys will be boys. Hiding their emotions." Phil said.

Tommy was outside looking for Techno. He followed the sounds of slicing to see Techno hitting a hay dummy. "Hey, you bitch." Tommy yelled. Techno turned around quickly. "What did you just call me?" Techno said. "You heard me, bitch." Tommy said. "What the hell do you want Tommy?" Techno said as he continued practicing. "How the fuck do you know me? You don't know shit about me!" Tommy said. "Jesus, you like to swear." Techno retorted. "I only do it when I'm angry so you really pissed me off." Tommy replied. "You're such a child. Shut up! I know you because I have seen you before. You were in the same situation as me but you were too young to remember it. Maybe you should learn things before you start shitting on people." Techno yelled as he put the sword to Tommy's chest. "You don't know what situation I was in, bitch! You'll never understand. I was in it for almost eight years! Now maybe you should learn things before you start shitting on people!" Tommy yelled back. 

He finally broke. He couldn't handle it anymore. He fell to the ground, crying. Techno felt sympathy for the boy. He knew how young he was and he just got away from it. He comforted the boy. "Hey, hey." He said. "You know whenever I feel mad, it feels good to hit shit like that dummy I have been practicing on." Tommy looked up at him. He was still angry but he couldn't feel anger. "Can- can I try?" Tommy stuttered. Techno nodded and handed him the sword. "Please just don't hit me." Techno laughed. Tommy swung at the dummy. Techno stared at him as he took each swing. "I think maybe I should leave early. This fucking child scares me sometimes." Techno thought. Tommy was about to take his next swing and he missed the dummy, falling over. Techno couldn't hold in his laughter and started wheezing. "That's not funny!" Tommy whined. "I bet you did that a lot too, bitch." Techno still kept laughing. Phil was watching them through the window. "Man, they really are just like brothers." He looked at the clock and noticed it was getting late. He ran out to go bring the boys in. "Tommy. Techno. It's time to come in." Tommy got up from the position he was in. "Race you." Techno said. The boys raced each other and argued about who came in first. 

Tommy started to feel more like he had the family he didn't have.

927 Words

a/n: thank you guys so much for 64 reads! its just so crazy! also, please tell me if i missed any tw! stay safe and hydrated! 

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