11. I always have

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You know when sometimes you think that everything is going so well and all of sudden your life flips upside down? Yeah, that is what happening to me right now, Everything is rolling upside down to me literally.

A few hours earlier

After Dean and I got back together, things just got so much easier for the three of us. We are enjoying our lives, We went to some hunts together it was simple like Ghosts, Vamps, Ghouls just the usual. Nothing much creepy was going on right now so to be brief I am living the picture-perfect life I always imagined with the person I always wanted with.

I was sitting in the library well technically on the table reading the notebook (well THE Notebook, duh)peacefully until the sloppy kisses on my shoulders interrupted me, Dean.

"Dean, what we talked about interrupting me while I am reading" I all but whined turning to him who is standing right behind me leaning slightly on the table.

"I know but I am bored and I missed my girlfriend," he stated pecking my lips now standing between my legs. "You are such a dork" "Well you signed up for this sweetheart" he winked stealing another kiss from me.

"Come on let me see what you are so hooked about" he grabbed the book from my hands to steal a glance. "Dean, Give it back" I demanded reaching for the book he is holding higher from me.

I gotta be honest, I am not short, I am 5'7 already. if you ask me, for a girl I am above average. but these freaking Winchesters are so tall for their own good, so it's not really my fault that right now it looks like I am trying to hit a pinata.

After all my efforts of plucking the book from Dean's hand died in vain, I gave up and he settled on one of the chairs skimming the chapter I was reading and there bloomed a cheeky smile on his beautiful face.

"You are reading Porn" Dean exclaimed, I get off the table to close his mouth. "For goodness' sake Winchester, it's called making love, and keep it low, you will spoil it for Marshmellow" I silenced him.

I snatched the book from his hands settling on his lap, my back against his chiseled chest. Letting out a content sigh I tried to continue where I left out reading. Dean snaked his hands around my waist pulling me closer settling his chin on one of my shoulders.

"What are we doing ?" he muttered into my ears, sending shivers down my spine "We are reading huckleberry, I gonna read to you just like Noah" I answered clearing my throat. Dean closed his eyes and hummed in response for me to continue.

So I started reading that chapter again from the beginning and Dean was being a good boy hearing me out until now "You are the answer to every prayer I've offered. You are a song, a dream, a whisper, and I don't know how I could have lived without you for as long as I have. I love you Allie, more than you can ever imagine. I always have. and I always will" Dean's voice stopped my narration.

"Stop" he whispered, "What," I asked caressing the stubble that peeking out of his chin. I always love it on him and I know he is keeping it for me. Our faces were now inches away from each other."Stop saying things that make me wanna kiss you" he responded, "Well I don't min..." before I could finish Dean closed the distance by capturing my lips as a prisoner with his pulpy ones.

As a habit, I snaked my hands around his neck started playing with his hair at the back of the head making him groan into the kiss. Things are getting heated down there but a gagging noise pulled us apart.

"Really Guys? The library ?"The interrupting moose complained "Every time Sammy, every Damn time" Dean snorted back annoyed by the interruption. "We were just reading you know," I said as a matter of fact "Yeah I can see that" Sam signaled the book on the table long forgotten.

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