1.How I met your Green eyes

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"You know among all the dead things in this museum you are one sight for sour eyes," said Jeremy my co-worker, grabbing my attention.

"It's good to see you too, Jeremy," I said with a warm smile.

"I see that you returned victoriously after your search for the Amulet. Congrats" I continued.

Jeremy and I have worked together in this museum for the past 6 months that is how long I have been working here as an archeologist.

He had been to one successful research and recovered an ancient amulet which is hot news among our archeologists and researchers community thus calls for the celebration tonight because most people in the outside world don't seem to be interested in this kind of stuff or that is what I thought.

"So you ready for the party? because it will be a crime to waste all this beauty in these empty hallways with neanderthal men" Jeremy said making me roll my eyes.

"If you are trying a pickup line to get me to be your date for this party you are not doing a good job" I replied winking at him "And yeah I prefer these neanderthal man over the goofs in suits at your party" I ended the conversation.

"Fair enough, but still if you change your mind you know where to find me princess" Jeremy pecked my cheeks and left the hall.

I hate it when people call me princess for a reason and especially Jeremy.

it's obvious he has a crush on me with the flirtatious smiles and playful winks he throws at me here and there

It's not that Jeremy is not good looking or something I do like him in a Platonic way and yes he is handsome with his daggering brown eyes and dashing smiles but sometimes 'That is not the heart wants'.

I am on my night duty at the museum tonight (not that I am guard or something) because our museum will be open until midnight to showcase for the travelers far from home. that is the specialty of this Chicago natural history museum and since tonight is the party and its almost winter out there we don't have visitors anymore or that is what I thought.

Dean's POV

"How long ?" I asked sam tapping my fingers on the steering wheel to the stereo blazing through baby right now.

"45Minutes max, are you sure it is a good idea to break into the museum right now ?" he questioned.

"Sam, Relax they are throwing some party over tonight so everybody will be held up there, plus you've heard Bobby it's a very powerful amulet, Sam. we can't let the Vamps get it first" I replied.

"Yeah Dean, I get it but don't you think they should have at least securities measures over there ?" Sam asked.

"Trust me, I have a Plan" I throw back at him with the wink and speed up the baby to the Chicago natural history museum which now held the once long-forgotten moonstone amulet which the Vampire Alpha is after.

Your POV

"You know they say history comes to life in the Museums, I wish that was true just like the movie you know what if every one of you comes to life in the night ?!! "I was wondering to myself while talking to one of the neanderthal men.

That is when I heard some footsteps in the hallway and turned to see 4 well-dressed men in their mid-twenties.

"Can I help you ?" I questioned.

"yes, we are here to see the special amulet display," the one at the lead said.

"I am afraid that is not yet set to display for public sir, I am sorry" I informed.

Before you Go (A dean Winchester love story )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن