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Zillion in one timeline

"Yeah Sammy, I got all of them will drop them off tonight, what no I am not in a bar why do you keep asking me that? ....Relax you will have plenty of time to prepare, Say hi to Jess for me, see ya" in the rush off convincing his brother Dean bumped into a pile of books. Well pile of books carried by someone.

The books were scattered on the floor Dean tried to keep his balance but failing he fell on the floor with a thud along with his collider on top of him. When the chaos was settled, he was met with big brown eyes, brunette hair, actually a girl who bumped into him.

"Not that I am complaining sweetheart, but I am always on the Top" he let his charm out making her blush at his comments. "Sorry, sorry I didn't notice you" she apologized getting up on her feet and collecting the books in which Dean joined her generously.

"you sure you can handle them all?" he quizzed at the stack of books she was managing to hold. She just nodded at his question and took a few steps, again stumbled on her steps unable to hold the heaviness in her hands. "Nope," Dean said taking several hardcovers from her hands.

"You don't have to do this," she said "Naah, but I want to"Dean retorted and added "Plus I am not doing this for free" he winked, again turning her cheeks red.

"You done or have anything else to pick up?" he asked "almost just a couple of books more" she answered signaling towards the romantic fiction aisle. "Let's get going then" He suggested. She went looking for the books on the shelves with Dean holding a pile of books in his hands hot on her tail.

She was so much concentrated on the list on her phone and Dean speaks up "I didn't see you here before, are you from around?" "No, no I am from New York, just here for the book expo" she replied scanning the shelves "All by yourself ?"Dean raised again "Well if you are asking if I have a boyfriend, No I don't. Actually boys are better in books, so I am into books," she grinned at him "yeah I can see that" he chucked eyeing the tower he is carrying.

"I am a writer, at least I am trying to be one. I always fancied those for my collection. So here I am. But what about you, what are you doing here ?" she asked "What makes you think that I am not one of the nerd boys," Dean asked back walking with her down the aisle.

"I don't know maybe because of the pickup line you threw at me a few minutes before" she mocked making him laugh. "I am a mechanic, I own a garage down the block. I am here for my geeky brother, he is pursuing law and wanted me to pick something up" he informed. she picked up few more books and handed them over to Dean. once he took a glance at them, he can't help but ask "Really, fault in our stars, Me before you, and The Notebook?" he made a face "You know the story?" she quizzed "told you geeky brother" "What can I say, Happy endings are really not my thing "She shrugged off.

They checked out all the books. Dean helped her carry them to her car. "Thanks again" she thanked him"No problemo senorita" he bowed dramatically"I could buy you a drink if you want" she offered "but you don't drink" Dean blurted out "How did you ..?" before she can finish dean chimed in "it's a wild guess " making her chuckle.

"But there is a Pie convention in town, I would like to take you there before you leave town," Dean asked reluctantly. "Are you asking me out for something Mr...."She trailed off "Winchester, Dean Winchester" Dean smirked and added, "And that totally depends on how this conversation ends" she smiled and answered, "I really love to " "Great, it's a Date then" "it's a Date" she assured. 

"so meet you there at  5?" Dean raised his brows "Okay," she said "Okay" Dean replied then they exchanged numbers. Dean started walking to his Baby suddenly something struck him "Wait, I don't get your name sweetheart? "Dean called out. She turned to him from her car and replied, "Oh, it's JT, JT Silver."


(A/N) : Hey Dearies, Hope you like this ending, I always wanted to give this story a perfect goodbye, and I hope I did .

Also if you like this story, please check out its Sequel "dear diary" under my profile. Hope you'll enjoy it too.

Thank you for traveling with me through this story, Vote Comment and Share if you guys liked it. Eat well, sleep well and keep your mind well. peace out lovelies 🖖 I am not gonna say Goodbye bcoz it's never a goodbye. see ya again.

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