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Hey Lovelies, How you doing...Today this book hit 100 reads...and it calls for a celebration 😍.

I wanna convey ma heartly thanks to each and every one of you for taking time to read my work. We as readers travel to different worlds with a move of a thumb. So sharing that feel through words with you was kinda spcl. Hope I can continue to entertain you more . Love u mi amigos

So do you guys like this new twist ? What do you think of James and JT? Don't hate me but what can I say I have this thing for Britt guys, who isn't right?.

Let me know your comments on this paring and yeah don't forget to cast your votes. they motivate me to write more, notifying you guys love my work . Love ya all. stay safe peace out 🖖 oh Hope you guys like the new cover ...

@JONAJORIK muchas gracias for the new cover

Before you Go (A dean Winchester love story )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora