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[No one]

Sherenidy and Ethel had finally finished explaining about the Fallens to Dream and Xenex. It had been only a bit complicated because the two of them kept fighting the whole time.

"How can you be such a bitch?" Sherenidy growled and stared at the dirty blonde female in front of her.

"Watch your mouth, at least I'm an adult!" Ethel snapped back and gave the pumpkin haired Watcher a cold stare back.

"That's 152," Xenex mumbled. He was keeping a count of how many times the two other Watchers had stopped each other just to say something annoying.

"Can you stop arguing and tell us how we're gonna get him back from the Fallens' dimension?" Dream tried to ask, but his question went to deaf ears.

"I don't think there's a way," Sasha hummed. She had been zoning out ever since the argument had started.

"Are you sure about that? There has to be some way!" Dream tried. He wasn't going to believe that Xelqua was stuck in the other dimension.

"He's basically stuck in a dimension with only dead souls there with him. The dimension is not just playground where you can drop your children at and the come pick them up later," Sasha rolled her eyes.

"It's a playground that takes your children and you'll never get them back," Sherenidy added to Sasha's comment.

"Is there a way to cheat him out of there? Like some way to glitch the dimension?" Xenex inquired, tilting his head.

"We need a Fallen to go there, but that doesn't mean they can find him," Ethel spoke quietly and gave another dead-stare to the pumpkin haired Watcher.

"Ain't that why Sasha's here?" Sherenidy turned everyone's attention to the snow-white haired female.

Sasha snorted, "You can't get me to go there," She stated.

"Do we know any Fallens?" Dream asked, turning to look at Sherenidy and Ethel.

"That's a problem we have," Sherenidy admitted grimacing.

"That's what I thought," Dream sighed.


           I bit my lip and looked at the night sky. The stars were visible and the moon was shining brightly. The nights in the Overworld were nothing like the endless darkness of the End.

During my time under Aether I had always dreamed of seeing the sky again. I had thought it would be impossible, but looked like the fate had given me another change and let my dance with the devil continue a bit longer.

          My eyes were burning purple as I grieved my lost brother all alone. No one else was awake anymore. There was nothing to worry about someone seeing me now.

I didn't know what had happened to him, but I know it was something bad. I couldn't feel his warmth anywhere and I would travel through the whole world to find it again.

He was the only one left from Evo. Taurtis was too, but he was somewhere deep in the Twilight Forest. I wanted to go to him and tell him what happened, but he probably already knew and there was no way I could leave Hermitcraft.

My soul was bound to Hermitcraft now. I could leave only for two hours. The Main World was an exception. The magic there was so strong it could keep any soul alive.

          Someone knew what had happened to my brother, but that someone wasn't me. I wanted to know, but I didn't know if that someone would tell me. I just wanted to know what had happened to him.

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