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"Damn! It's all locked up and shit-" Tommy started, but I slapped my hand on his mouth to stop him before he could say anything else and accidentally reveal our cover somehow.

Me, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo were currently standing by the entrance of the Portal Hub. Our plan was to spy on the new council to see how they were leading. The whole world was kinda on the edges right now. The Watchers and admins had started fighting more and the servers kept glitching. The new council was really struggling with everything.

"Remember what we're here for," I reminded the blonde and slipped my hand down from his face. I ruffled his hair before stepping forward to get into the outside air of the Main Word, where Ranboo and Tubbo were already standing.

It was currently summer so the trees were all green and the flowers were colorful. The Main World really looked bright, but it didn't have the same atmosphere as before. Everything seemed a bit more darker and the people were jumpy. No one was feeling as safe as before. The air was full of different smells like flowers, different bakings, perfumes, but also some smoke. Now no one was stopping the idiots who thought they could just smoke everywhere they wanted to.

"This doesn't look so good," Tommy admitted. Jumping down the stairs that lead from the Portal Hub to the park that was the center area. "Everything is so weird and I feel like I'm gonna get stabbed any minute now!" He continued and looked around us.

"No one's getting stabbed here today!" I sighed. But I had to admit that he was right. The place definitely didn't look good.

"Where are we headin', Boss Man?" Tubbo turned to look at me and Tommy, who was right next to me. I shrugged. We didn't really have any kind of plan.

"Let's go to that one really pog Café! It's close to the new HQ and it's not that popular!" Tommy exclaimed. He clapped his hands together and looked at all of us. "There's a possibility that some of the new council's members come there," He lowered his voice and glanced around.

"Sounds good! Can you lead the way?" I smiled to him. We had to act as normal as possible. We couldn't let the people know that we were part of The Council because the would probably turn us in if we did.

"Follow me bitches!" Tommy smirked and began leading us to the right direction, at least I hoped it was the right direction.

Most of the Cafés, bakeries, shops and little containers that sold stuff, were still there on their rightful places. Some old favorites had closed down and the owners had informed that they wouldn't open before the old Council was back. I found that pretty amazing. They risked their businesses for us. The new council was completely helpless and couldn't do anything about it.

"Look. Over there," Ranboo suddenly whispered. I turned to look at the direction he was pointing at. There was a young looking female with chocolate brown, shoulder length hair. She was wearing a white cloak to show everyone that she was a Council's Admin. She looked nervous and kept typing on her communicator.

"Arcanay Idles, a 19 years old admin from the End," Tommy whispered. He was the only Watcher of us and with his powers he was easily able to tell us everything about anyone. The Watchers knew everything about everyone. But only The (old) Council's members were actually allowed to use their powers without the nature or/ Gods taking the their own hands.

"Let's continue walking. We'll keep her in mind, but we can't keep staring at her for long," I spoke and started pushing the boys before me. I glanced at her and she raised her. She raised her forest green eyes from her communicator and jumped a bit when she noticed my stare. She quickly turned to look back at her communicator.

Our Darkest Hoursحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن