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[No one]

"Don't shoot," A male with sandy brown hair warned a blonde female in front of him.

The blonde lowered her bow and turned to look at the other. She was wearing a black hoodie and dark trousers. Her eyes were glowing blue and a gas mask covered her lower face. Her blonde hair was tied on a ponytail. She had black combat boots and black gloves.

The sandy brunette had dark blue hoodie and black jeans. His eyes were glowing green and he had a gas mask covering his lower face. Instead of a bow he had a netherite sword with far more enchants than it was supposed to.

"We could get at least one of them dead!" The blonde pointed out and glared at a group of people under the building that the duo was standing on top of.

"It wouldn't be a problem good idea. They would get more reasons why we should all be locked up," The sandy brunette reminded and placed his hand on the blonde's shoulder.

"How are we going to bring an end to this otherwise? We can't just keep running forever! You know that we can only run, but we can't hide because they will find us!" The blonde exclaimed with tears beginning to blind her vision. She was so tired of running for her life without knowing if her siblings were safe.

"I know... But we have to keep running! We can't just give up! These are our darkest hours, but we have to just survive through them! We have already lost enough of our siblings!" The sandy brunette placed his hand on the blonde's cheek and carefully brushed away her tears. He hated seeing his siblings cry.

"Ned... Will everything be alright..?" The blonde sobbed and buried her face on the 1cm taller male's chest.

"Don't worry, Eddie.! Everything will be alright.! We'll make it out of here, one day.!" The sandy brunette whispered and wrapped his arms around his older sister. He really hoped his words were true and not just lies.

[No one]

    "What do you say?" A female with shoulder length black hair asked, tilting her head on the side.

She was alone in a forest. She was wearing a light blue sweater and black jeans. Her completely white eyes were usually covered by sunglasses that were now resting on top of her head.

"My cursed ones, is this going to end with a disaster?" She inquired from no one physical. Just the voices inside her head.

The whole forest was silent, apart from the footsteps that were getting closer to the ravenette, who was sitting in a tree. She turned to look down and saw a familiar figure under the tree.

"Lili! Come down!" A raven haired male groaned. He didn't know how his twin had gotten to the tree.

"Just wait Gen. I'll come down when I want to," The female hummed and looked into her twin's blue eyes. The poor male had no idea about what his sister had gotten herself into. He had no idea about her being in The Council.

"C'mon Lili! This isn't fair! Since when you have been able to climb trees?" The male, Gen, complained and looked around for something that could help him climb to the tree.

"You sound like a child, Gen," The female smirked. This really reminded her of her childhood, and she definitely didn't complain. She missed this kind of peace, but she also knew she couldn't leave The Council behind anymore.

"I'm not a fucking child, Lili! We're both 26!" Gen grinned and glared at his sister, who was still up in the tree.

"I know, but that doesn't seem to stop you from acting like a child!" The female pointed out. She was enjoying the company of her brother.

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