[No one]

Grian inhaled excited once he saw the End portal. He hurried to it and began placing the eyes of ender to their places. He didn't have enough, but Zloy came to help him cheat a bit.

"If you get caught, Ex-Eye-Zooma is gonna kill you!" Grian laughed as he watched the Watcher place the eyes to their places.

"He won't ever find out," Zloy winked and place his finger on his lips.

"Thanks for the help Zloy! Now I gotta go beat an ender dragon!" Grian waved to his brother as the portal lit up.

"At least it's not Jean, she wasn't an easy one to beat," Zloy huffed.

"I can believe that," Grian grinned before jumping into the portal.

     His lungs were filled with kinda familiar air. The real End and the servers' own Ends had different air because most of the normal players weren't able to breath the End's actual air.

He had really missed the End, even if this one wasn't the real one. The cold air was the only annoying thing, he should have taken his cloak with him.

He made his way to the dragon and tsk-ed. Xelvier wanted out. They wanted blood.

Grian's eyes flashed red and he was Xelvier again.

Xelvier smirked and with just their thoughts, they blew up all the End crystals from the obsidian pillars. The dragon was nothing to them. They raise their hand and purple chains wrapped tightly around the dragon. The dragon screamed as the chains tore her apart. Soon the XP was floating towards them as the dragon shattered into pieces.

They sighed and turned back to just Grian in control and Xavier being an annoying bug you can't get rid of.

     Grian returned to the Overworld with the dragon's egg. He hadn't started building anything yet since he had been so busy with speed running.

He noticed how the others had already built houses to themselves. He also noticed Pearl standing by her house - or at least he thought it was hers - and called her name.

"Oh, hey Grian!" Pearl casted him a smile. He really loved seeing Pearl actually happy.

"How have you been?" Grian asked her and glanced at her house.

"I've been fine. It's so peaceful without your sister," She grinned.

"Ethel wasn't that bad, was she?" Grian chucked.

"Not that bad, but she speaks a lot and her personality is just interesting. She's like a roller-coaster!" Pearl grinned, sounding amused. She had been surprised by the way Ethel had acted.

"She reminds me of our mother," Grian hummed sadly. Their mother had been like Ethel for years, before completely changing because she had grown so afraid of everything.

"Taurtis mentioned her a few times," Pearl thought our loud, making Grian turn to look at her with slight confusion.

"What?" He tilted his head.

"Taurtis mentioned your mother to Ethel a few times. Ethel hadn't really known her, but Taurtis remembered her after spending so much time with you," Pearl explained softly. "She sounded so amazing," She added quietly.

"She was the best mother I could have asked for," Grian smiled sadly. Tears began slowly forming in his eyes.

"I can believe that.." Pearl whispered tearfully. She had heard so many good things about Grian's mother and felt so bad for him.

"And the fact that she died just because she loved someone! It's not fair! You should be able to love whoever you want to without being afraid of dying because of it!" Grian cried out as tears fell down on his cheeks.

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