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Grian arrived to season 8 of Hermitcraft through the Portal and looked around. Many off the Hermits were already there, only a few were missing.

They were in a village and between them was a hole. Grian peeked to the hole and recognize a familiar female next to someone he didn't know.

"Pearl?" He whispered, getting the female's - and some Hermits - attention.

"Grian!" Pearl gave him a smile and he jumped down into the hole to hug her.

"Where the heck have you been?" Grian exclaimed as he finally separated from his sister.

"I was with Ethel and the others, it got too annoying," Pearl answered sighing.

"Yeah, I can believe that!" Grian chuckled. He hadn't talked with his biological sister that much, but he knew her really well.

"Grian, do you know Pearl?" Xisuma asked.

"Yeah, we've been friends for years," Grian smiled. He had really missed his siblings and having Pearl in Hermitcraft was definitely going to help him.

"That's great! She's gonna be joining us now! I'm glad she has someone familiar here!" Xisuma smiled behind his new mask.

"Grian, get up from there, it's only for new people!" Cub smirked.

Grian laughed and ruffled Pearl's hair once more before climbing up.

All the Hermits had arrived along with the new Hermits; Pearl and Gem. Mumbo began explaining the season's idea and Grian experience the first non-permanent death by the Iron golem.

Now it was time to start looking for the right place to settle up. He began following Mumbo and they stumbled across a shipwreck and some other Hermits.

They found Scar drowning and took him with them. They met Cleo in a cave and did some cool boat tricks. Finally they found a nice place to settle in began the Boatem Pole. Impulse and Pearl soon joined them.

Grian had right away some plans. He wanted to beat the copy of the original ender dragon in the server's own End.

Words: 328

(A new book! And Pearl is back! Also, Grian called her his sister because Pearl is officially The Council's member now)

(This part was so short because this is just a prologue. The first chapter will come out soon!)

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