[No one]

Grian was sitting on Bdouble's roof and watching Scar build something in front of Tango's house. He had wanted to do bring his G-train to Tango, but the he had noticed Scar. He didn't know what Scar was up to, but it really looked like he was about to sell something to Tango.

Grian was just watching what he was doing. It felt kinda weird. He was doing what he was meant to do. Suddenly a weird feeling took over him. He started feeling right. It was a really pleasant feeling that began taking over him. He had no idea what it was, but it felt exactly right. Maybe he was somehow getting high. He didn't know.

A familiar item began burning in his pocket. His Watcher mask. He just wanted to pull it out and placed it on his face. He knew the mask would fit perfectly. He wanted to just fade away and continue watching, forever.

But then he felt something slap his face. His hand immediately flew to his hurting cheek and he raised his eyes to see Xavier in front of him. He had taken a physical form, which was nearly impossible to do.

"Xav..? What's going on..?" Grian whispered. He was feeling a bit high. The whole world was spinning around him.

"You almost let the Watchers take you! You can't be so careless! They almost got you! You know what happens if you let that happen! You'll lose your physical form forever and all you can do is watch the players like Watchers are meant to!" Xavier yelled. He sounded mad, but also shocked. He couldn't believe that Grian had almost let himself get caught.

Grian felt guiltyness take over him. He had been too careless and it made him feel really guilty. Xavier had been forced to take a physical from, which took a lot of energy, just so he could stop him from slipping.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to..." Grian whispered.

"Just be more careful in the future.. If that happens again, I can't promise you that I can stop you if that happens again..." Xavier mumbled before disappearing back to Grian's mind.

Grian shook his head and looked at Scar and Tango. They were talking about something next to the thing Scar had made.

He took off with his elytra and landed behind them, starting to build his G-train. He had to quickly plaster on a smile and sell his stuff. He wanted to forget what had happened before.

"What's going on?" Tango laughed and watched as Grian finished building his train track.

"I'm here to sell you stuff!" Grian explained and smiled smugly to Scar, who definitely hadn't expected this.

"Tango, Tango, come back here! We're doing business!" Scar hurried. He wanted to get his customer back before Grian stole him.

"Two beacons!" Tango exclaimed as he looked into the G-train. "I'll sell you everything in this chest for 50 diamonds!" Grian smirked.

"Tango! I'm not asking for diamonds!" Scar hurried. This catched Grian's attention too. "What do you want then?" Tango inquired. He was actually pretty curious.

"I want your attic!" Scar said. Grian and Tango were both taken a back from that. Scar wanted just an attic?

"Everything you want, just for your attic!" Scar repeated. He was smiling smugly.

"I want a piece of your attic! Just a chunk!" Grian snapped out of his shock. He had to somehow steal Scar's customer, because that's what friends do.

"I want the whole attic!" Scar continued. He wasn't going to lose to Grian.

"Think of the two beacons, Tango!" Grian tried. He really wanted to win this.

"Check out everything I have! This is an original Bdubs clock!" Scar fought back.

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