Perth's Confusing Day

Start from the beginning

Taking a sip of coffee, I avoided Thanawat's stare and stirred my coffee with my head down. I overheard a conversation which added to my embarrassment.

"I'd say they're together! The dark-skinned guy and the skinny guy," A squeal travelled to my ears. "Look at that stare!!"

"I think the three of them are together!! I ship polyamory trouples!!!" Another loud whisper was heard.

"I'd say something happened in between them but none of them is together... It's the perfect scenario of not knowing who you love~ Look at that guy, he's so embarrassed!" A lower mid-range voice joined the conversation.

I groaned internally as their discussion grew heated and louder. I began to take more sips of coffee, hoping to finish soon and leave. Thankfully, Suthapong and Thanawat followed my pace and drained their coffee at the same time.

I made an excuse to go back to my place. I could tell they both did not believe me but they did not question me further. Dropping me in front of my hostel, Suthapong gave a wink and said goodbye. Thanawat handed me a note of their numbers and gave me a nod before driving away.

That night, I decided to text Thanawat, thanking him for bringing me around. He replied with an abrupt text.

"No problem. Rest up and see you next time."

That was it.






So, tell me why is he texting me randomly on the day I'm having lunch with Krist and Godt. If I do not know about his bodyguard status, I would think he is a stalker.

"Why? Krist can pick me up."

"Get ready now. I'm taking you for breakfast. I know you haven't eaten."

I blink again. Is he my father? No, my father would not even care if I ate breakfast. I look at the time. It is nearly 11am. Do I really need to eat breakfast before my lunch in one hour?

"My lunch is at noon. I don't need breakfast. I don't need you to pick me either."

"Perth! Don't make me come up and drag you down. You're having a light breakfast with me and I'll send you there. So get ready now."

Realising I am not going to win against him, I send the shortest message "OK" and head to the bathroom for a shower. A quick shower and I'm facing my full-length mirror, drying my wet hair. I style it lightly before changing into the outfit I picked out the night before.

I hear my phone chime again. Knowing it is Thanawat, I slide into my sneakers and head out the door. Sure enough, I see his car stopping in front of the entrance. His passenger seat is empty so I open the front door and get in the car.

"Sawadee krap," I greet softly. Thanawat responds with a grunt and drives off. Not knowing where we are going, I feel uncomfortable without Suthapong. At least he talks more and cracks jokes from time to time.

"What do you want to eat?" Thanawat suddenly asks, catching me off-guard. I think hard to say something. I prefer having a protein shake or a smoothie as breakfast. But since he wants me to eat, I guess bread would be good?

"Bread? You said something light right?" I blink, waiting for his answer.

"How about some kway teow (rice noodles) in broth? It's pretty light. You can request for a smaller portion of noodles too."

That seems delicious so I nod. He turns into a small lane and stops at the roadside. I step out of the car and see a roadside hawker stall, similar to the one we had before. We take a seat as the aunty comes forward for our orders.

"Kway teow song (two rice noodles)," Thanawat tells her before he turns to me, asking in English. "Do you want water?" I shake my head, remembering I have water in my bag. "Nam yen neung kaew (One iced water)."

We stay in silence until our food comes. Thanawat hands me the utensils and we start to eat. The rice noodles are delicious. I can feel my smile stretching as I take another spoonful of kway teow.

"Good?" Thanawat asks and I snap towards him to find him smiling at me. I nod slowly, hiding my smile but failing miserably. He is a weird guy.

After breakfast, he drives me to the location Krist had booked for our lunch. Checking the time, I send a quick text mentioning I will be early. Thanawat even offers to park the car and wait with me until they arrive. Why?

"Text me when your lunch is finished. I'll pick you up," Thanawat offers again during our wait, making me confused.

"Why? I mean, I can find my way back... And I plan to get my license too."

"You really don't know why?" He questions slowly, and his voice turns deep. I gulp and nod. I mean, no one is ever nice to me without wanting something in return. So, I want to know his intentions.

He just signs and keeps silent. I do not know how to respond so I just keep quiet. I look around the place long enough to spot Godt coming my way. I break into a smile and wait for him to come nearer. Krist follows behind. We exchange a hug.

"Sawadee krap Khun Krist, please follow me," A receptionist gestures politely to Krist. Krist smiles at her, saying something in Thai. We follow her into a closed-off area where a neatly arranged table is waiting for us.

I hear Thanawat asking Krist about something. I wonder what they are talking about. And then, I see an attractive man walking toward us confidently. He states something that sounds like sarcasm. I see Thanawat making an expression I have never seen before, a face of dislike.

They exchange some words before Thanawat turns to me, speaking in the same deep voice. "Perth... I'll take my leave now. Text me when you need me to pick you up. Goodbye."

His authoritative voice startles me and I respond with a soft voice. "Ohh... Krap" Watching him walk away, I think he did not hear me.

I turn to the stranger, wondering who he is. Krist introduces him to me. "Perth, this is P'Arm. My bodyguard and driver. P'Arm, this is my other best friend, Perth."

This Arm person smiles at me with a weird knowing smile. "Sawadee krap, Khun Perth."

As the waiter takes our order, my mind is deep in thought. Wondering why Thanawat was so mad. Did something happen?

Something tells me, my day is not going to be good.



A total of 1,790 words!!! Wow!!! I got carried away... Well, more added confusion?

Just curious, for readers who want more KristSingto action, what kind of content are you hoping for? More sweet moments? Or something more? Please comment!!!

Happy September! It's my favourite month!! Can anyone guess why?

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