"NO!" She screamed as she threw her arms back to defend herself.

Only to feel nothing come of it. Her eyes had closed out of reflex, but with nothing happening for a few moments she took the chance to peek, only to see nothing. She didn't realize it at the time but her mouth was wide open and had frozen in shock, when she did, she closed her mouth and walked further into the room. Following the subtly louder crackling, she then found a small box that had two dials on it sitting atop an old music player.

Not being able to stop her curiosity she turned the knob slowly and then suddenly it spoke, "-ey are coming! All gangsters of Londinium. Warn Charles Darby that the WASPS have cleaned up the north and are heading toward the south! Hurry, they are a vicious lot and will not stop until their petty masters of the World Alliance tell them to! For all of the gangsters and Mafioso's of the East and West, let us make a stand in the south! This is a call to arms. They want our blood so let us recreate the Devil's Dance and herald their commanders head up High!" The radio went silent and returned to its previous crackling sound until finally it ceased and went quiet.

Alice didn't know much of what the person was saying so she didn't think much about it and absentmindedly unlocked and opened the door, returning to the general living space. Not sure what to do, she continued to explore.

Meanwhile Tanya slipped her knife back into its concealed holster. I really needed to adapt to having another occupant in the house. I can't go around killing children in the confines of my home now just because I'm a little paranoid. Tanya thought to herself as she maintained her concealment formula. Questioning whether Alice had actually sensed her or not because this could open many opportunities to the girl. The sole glance that Alice had shot back at her made Tanya wonder if she had what it took to be an aerial mage....

No that isn't right, I am no longer a drill sergeant nor will I ever be one again... I have left the military for good and will not go back to that hellscape. Tanya thought to herself, knocking her fist lightly on the side of her head to shake off the encroaching thoughts.

She glanced back at her clock and it read 4:05AM. To fucking early to deal with this brat's shit. Tanya thought as she rubbed her temples. I'll do it in an hour when I usually wake up. She told herself as she made her way back into her room. Before she promptly passed out due to her really not being a morning person.

Alice didn't notice that the door to Tanya's room had been left slightly ajared, but the spooked child didn't really see much of anything in the dimly lit room.

Her run in with the radio had calmed her down somewhat but she just couldn't shake the feeling that she had seen a monster in the house. The feeling she got when she barely glanced at it had really scared her.

It was cold and deadly, not like her mother's, who would make her punishment known, no this thing would kill her in the most gruesome way possible and no one would ever know about it. Just thinking about it made shivers run down her spine.

Alice couldn't break out of her spiraling thoughts but decided that a closed confined space that she didn't know well would just make it worse. She decided to change the scenery and get refreshed by watching the sunrise.

She clumsily made her way through the living space until she reached the door leading to the front of the store. Opening the door, she was rushed with blinding rays piercing her eyes, making her avert her gaze but she looked back and had her hopes rise. It's Sunday! That means Church! She thought as she dashed to open the front door. Only to find that it was locked.

Alice was dejected at the thought of not getting to church as soon as she woke up on Sunday, but she resigned herself to watching the night change into day.

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