Chapter XXV

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That night, Jungkook brought Tae at home. They didn't talk at all in the car. Jungkook gave Tae his jacket to cover himself.

Taehyung was scared and shocked by what just happened. It reminded him alot of bad memories with Bogum.

When they arrived, Tae didn't utter a word. He just gave the jacket to Jungkook and went inside the building.
He was relieved that Jungkook came to save him from Liam. But what will happen to him now?  Will he loose his job. Plus, he needed it. His mom was at the hospital. What will he do?

Jungkook stayed a moment in front of Taehyung's buiding and decided to talk with him but when he arrived in front of the flat, he heard crying voice from inside.

Taehyung bursted in tears once he entered the apartment. Jungkook put his head on the door as he closed his eyes. Hearing Taehyung crying was the most paintful thing for him.

He wanted to enter but then, he thought that it will make everything worse so he left.

Taehyung was on the ground in the dark.

He cried his heart out.

"What did I do? " " What bad things I did to deserve all of these? " " Why is life that cruel with me? "

Those thought didn't leave his mind once. He felt that his life was miserable.

At some moments, he was loosing it completely. If Jeongguk, his friends and his mom were not there during those 3 years, only god knows what would have happened to him.

He stayed like that all  night.

In the dark, alone, sobbing.

The next day, he found himself lying on the ground. He was not moving but just stared at the chair.

His phone rang a while after. He stood up and looked at it. Ji eun and Jeongguk sent hundred messages to him. He didn't respond at any and just turned off his phone.

He went to change and didn't take his breakfast. He was not in the mood to eat anything. He left for the office and as he excpected, Mr lee was there waiting for him eyes fuming in anger.

Taehyung bowed.

The man slapped him hardly making everyone shocked.

Ji eun:  Yah! Taehyung are you okay?  She said as she held Tae.

Taehyung just looked at Mr lee with a blank face.

Mr lee:  You! You are good at nothing. Now, we lost one of our most important collaborators.

Tae:  He tried to r*pe me.

Mr Lee:  I don't care about that Taehyung!  I told you to take care of him. And what did you do?!  His face is all messed up because of your stupidity.

Taehyung raised his eyes at him.

Mr lee:  I know you need this work..And I pity you. So I won't fire y-

Tae:  I resign. He said as he turned and walked toward the door.

Mr lee was in a state of shock.

Mr Lee: Kim fucking Taehyung !!!!

Ji eun 's blood was boiling. She took the hot coffee and poured it on Mr lee 's back.

He screamed and whinned in pain.

IU:  I'm sorry. It was not in purpose. But I think you should go to the hospital. It will be severly injured latter. And will hurt as hell.

Everyone held their laughs.

What Are We? [ TAEKOOK ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें