Chapter VII

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Wanji and Hansung arrived at Wanji's grandmother 's  house some hours after.

They really had fun in the way. The smile didn't leave their faces.

The gate of the house was opened so they just entered.

Wanji: Grandma!!!  He shouted from outside.

Noone responded.

Hansung looked around him with his doe eyes.

HS:  Where are they?

Wanji:  Maybe at the market. I don't know. Let's just wait in the garden.  He replied grabbing Hansung's hand.

They sat on a little rock near waiting for Wanji's family.

HS:  I never asked you Wanji..

Wanji:  Yeah?  Wanji replied drinking his water.

HS:  What is your last name?

WJ:  Why so sudden?

HS: No. Just asking.

Wanji: Oh... It's Choi.

HS:  Choi?  Choi wanji?

WJ : Yes.

Something bothered Hansung's mind but he didn't know what.

HS:  Choi wanji?  Where did I heard this name?

His thoughts got interrupted by a woman's loud voice.

???: Wanjiiii!!

The two boys got starlted. Wanji stood up immediately and hugged Her.

Wanji:  Aunt Lee.

Aunt lee:  Oh gosh. You grew up so much darling.

Wanji:  Is that so?

Aunt Lee:  Yeah!!

Hansung just smiled looking at them. Lee noticed Hansung and smiled widely.

Aunt Lee:  Oooo. Wanji? Who is this beautiful boy?  Is he your...

Wanji and Hansung blushed hardly. They looked at each other and looked away immediately due to the embarrassment.

Hansung: Good morning. My name Is Hansung. I'm wanji's friend.

Aunt Lee:  Ooo. I see..
Wanji:  Aunt..

Aunt:  Okay*chuckles* I'm Lee. Wanji's aunt. Nice to meet you Hansung.

HS: Nice to meet you too m'mam.

Aunt:  C'mon. Just call me aunt too.

HS:  Okay. Hansung replied shyly.

After some moments all Wanji's cousins and nephews arrived.

And then, his grandma.

Wanji:  grandma. It's been a long time.

Grandma:  Oh yes. My grandkid. I missed you honey.

Wanji:  Me too.

Wanji broke the hug and showed Hansung to the old woman. Hansung was smiling widely showing his boxy smile.

HS:  Good morning. I'm Hansung.

Wanji's grandmother 's eyes widen. She stepped back and was about to collapse.

Hansung's smile faded. Wanji looked at his grandmother worriedly.

Wanji:  Grandma, are you okay?

She couldn't take her eyes from Hansung who just looked at her confused.

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