Chapter 36

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2021, Rotterdam, Netherlands

         Thomas felt relieved now that he had talked to Michelle about Giulia, he really liked the Roman girl, but he was kind of afraid to talk about her to his bandmates. The four of them lived together in Rome, they had that big house where Victoria would always bring girls, or boys, Damiano would sometimes bring some girls at their house too, but he was much more discreet, mostly because of the whole drama with Michelle. Ethan, well the guitarist had never seen the drummer with someone, but he knew that he spends some nights with people in his room. But Thomas, Thomas had never brought anyone to their house, mostly because there had not been that many people in his life, he had sex with girls, but it never meant anything, so he'd never go to his with them, but always to theirs. Things were different with Giulia, the blond-haired boy actually cared about the curly-haired girl, for the first time in his life he really felt something stronger than friendship for someone and he was afraid to tell his best friends. Not that they would judge him, the three musicians would never judge their fourth member, but he had always been the youngest, the baby of the band, apart from Elle of course, and he was scared that they might think that his feelings were not legitimate. After all, Thomas had only been talking to Giulia for a month, but Michelle and Damiano had fell in love, and reconciliate after his affair, in less time than that, so maybe his feelings were true.

         Thomas snapped back to reality when his phone buzzed on his bed, he had been lying here, half naked for already an hour, and he had not even realised it. The guitarist took the phone in his hand and could not help but smile when he saw Giulia's name on the screen, maybe his day would get better after the shitty rehearsal they had earlier.

T: Ciao, Giuls, what's up?
G: Buonasera, Thom, I'm doing good, what about you?
T: I'm tired, Martha makes us work like some kind of slaves, and we had a very shitty rehearsal because of all the pressure we're under. You know, I'm happy to be here, it's the chance of a lifetime, but I can't wait to go home and be able to sleep for twelve hour straight.
G: Well, you guys wrote a song called 'I Wanna Be Your Slave', maybe she took it literally.
T: Giuls, you do realise it's not that kind of slave, right?
G: What? Oh. Okay, I'm not sure I want to understand the rest of the lyrics now.

         Giulia's tone made Thomas giggle, he really needed a good laugh after the day he had passed, and she was helping him destress without even realising it. He loved how she talked about his band's songs even if she didn't like the style of music they played. When he had saw the curly-haired girl for the first time since he graduated, she had quoted Mamma Mia! and had told him that she was a huge ABBA fan, and in facts, she could quote every song of the Swedish band from the 70's. The guitarist loved how she had listened to their whole discography even though she did not usually listen to rock'n'roll, or maybe he just loved her, he was not sure yet.

G: Anyway, are you okay? You seemed nervous earlier when we were texting.
T: Yes, don't worry I was just a little bit overwhelmed by something, but I talked to Michelle and now, I feel better.
G: Do you want to talk about it?
T: Not yet, but thanks Giuls.
G: Thom?
T: Si, Bellissima, Cosa c'è che non va?
G: Is it normal that I miss you? Even though I've seen you only once before you left?
T: I miss you too, Giuls. But I'll be back in Rome soon, and we'll have the whole summer to see each other before you go back to Bari.
G: You can't promise that, because maybe you'll win next Saturday, and then you'll have to travel the world like the rockstar you are, because the whole world will want to see MÅNESKIN in concert.

         It was true, Thomas could not promise that he would be in Rome all summer, because he knew he'd have to travel even if the band did not win. They would release their album soon after the Grand Final, they'd have to promote it across Italy, and if they win, across Europe.

T: You're right, if we win, we'll have a lot of shows, but we always have times to see our friends and families. Look, I know it's not a common lifestyle, but it's mine, I wouldn't change it even for all the gold in the world.
G: I know, it's just that it's hard to get used to it. but I'd never ask you to give up on your carrier. You'd be way less interesting if you weren't a rock star.
T: Ahah! I knew it! I knew you were only interested in me because I was famous. It's okay, you'll get an autograph when I get back.

         The two Italians laughed on the phone and then stayed silent for a moment, just listening to each other's breathing while they were laying on their back, in their bed, one in Italy, the other one in the Netherlands.

G: Thom?
T: Si, Giuls?
G: I... I could really use a hug right now.
T: If I could, I would travel across the whole Europe right now, just to be able to hug you.

         Thomas was going to add something, but he got interrupted by someone who knocked on his door loudly, he sighed when he heard Victoria's voice behind the door. He loved Vic, but he just needed some time alone, he was exhausted, they all were, they just needed some rest.

"Thomas? We're going out to dinner with Clara, Dami and Ethan, do you want to come?" Asked the bassist nicely, Thomas was sure she could sense that he was upset.
"No thanks, I'll try to get some sleep." He answered quickly before talking again when he realised what she had said. "Wait, Elle is not joining you?"
"She said she was tired, I think you should go check on her if you stay here. See you later."

         The blond-haired boy heard Vic and Ethan leave the room, he then sighed again and went back to his call with Giulia.

T: I'm sorry we got interrupted.
G: It's okay, why didn't you go with them?
T: I just don't feel like it. Tomorrow is the Turquoise carpet, just after our last rehearsal before the day of the final, I want to get some rest.
G: Maybe you should listen to Victoria and go check on Michelle.
T: I will.
G: I have to go; my grandpa is waiting for me to eat dinner. Parliamo più tardi?
T: Si, ciao, Giuls.
G: Ciao Thom.

         The guitarist sighed once again when the call ended, he really missed Rome right now, or maybe it was a curly-haired roman girl that he missed. He got dressed to go to his best friend's room that was just a few door further in the corridor and when Michelle opened the door, Thomas did not expect her to be crying.

"Elle? What's wrong?"


Hum? Hello?
There are already 6K viewers on this story, that's insane! Thank you so much guys, because without you, La Vie en Rose wouldn't exist!
A little chapter from Er Cobra's point of view. I loved to write Thomas' side of the story, I'll try to do other points of view more often from now on.
Hope you liked the cuteness between Giuls and Thomy!

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