Chapter 21

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2021, Rotterdam, Netherlands

"Anna, can you please shut up?" It was unusual to hear Michelle swear, but her manager was really getting on her nerves. "I understand that MÅNESKIN is our rival, but please we arrived this morning, and I don't want to talk about them."
"What is the problem with MÅNASKUN? Do you know them? If you're made because you fuck them, I'm not responsible." Anna looked offended, and quite mad as well, but the brunette did not care at all, she could not take Anna's controlling behaviour anymore.
"It does not concern you, Anna, what happens in my private life, stay in my private life. You're my manager, not my fucking mother." Clara gave Elle a warning gaze, but she did not care, it was too much, Anna was invading her privacy. "I already told you multiple times, if you can't understand that, then maybe you should leave." She knew she was acting like a spoiled bitch, but Anna was disrespecting her life, once again.
"Michelle, maybe you should calm down." Her best friend tried to ease the tension, but it was too late.
"You wouldn't be where you are today without me, Michelle, I built your carrier, I can as well destroy it." The brown-haired singer got up from the sofa and walked toward her manager, this time, she was done with Anna's bullshit.
"You're wrong, I'm here because I worked hard, and even when I wanted to give up, I did not. There is only one person without whom I wouldn't be here today, and it's Clara, not you. Now you can pack your things and leave, your presence is no longer required." She opened the door, as a sign to her now former manager to leave the room.
"You'll regret it, Michelle, you'll regret it." Anna said with a threatening tone.
"I don't think so."

Michelle closed the door loudly as Anna walked away, it was over, the reign of the Wicked Witch of the West was over.

"No one mourns the wicked
No one cries: 'they won't return!'
No one lays a lily on their grave"

She got back to her best friend and sat down in the sofa, sighting, things wouldn't be easy without a manager, but she would have to work with it. Unless... Elle just had an idea, a great idea.

"How are you going to work without a manager, Elle, it wasn't the good moment to fire Anna." Clara sounded worried, but her friend was smiling."
"You could replace her."
"I'm sorry, what? Have you lost your mind, Michelle?" The blond girl looked at her like she was crazy, which she might have been.
"Look, it's temporary, but you've done it before. You've helped me discuss my contracts before, it won't be different." She was not wrong, but it still was a crazy idea. "It will be until I find someone to replace Anna, alright? It should be over when we go back to France."
"But it's in a month, Elle. It's not a game, it's your carrier!"
"And you're my best friend, there's no one better than you to defend my interests." Clara knew that her best friend would not change her mind, she was as stubborn as a mule.
"Fine, but you better not fire me like that, otherwise I will kick you out of the flat."
"I paid half of that flat, Clara."
"I don't care."

The two girls ended up laughing in each other's arms, it was a crazy idea, but it did not mean that it was not a good one, in almost eighteen years of friendship they had never fought, it would work, they both knew it.

Michelle was emptying her suitcases when Clara walked in the room only wearing a towel, they shared a suite, even if they had their own bedroom. She immediately knew that something was wrong, she could sense that her friend was hiding something from her.

"I have to tell you something. I..." Started Clara but she got interrupted by the brunette.
"I know. You talked to them, I was talking with Elena, the girl who represents Cyprus, on the other side of the wall, I heard everything." Clara seemed relieved, but still nervous at the same time.
"You should talk to Thomas. I think it's stupid that you stopped talking to him because of Damiano, even if I understand why. I don't ask you to talk to Damiano, unless you want to kick his ass, but you should really go and talk to Thomas. He misses you." Elle loved how Clara kind of like a mother toward her, she was definitely the mom friend out of them two.
"And I miss him too. You're right, it was stupid, and I won't be able to avoid him all day, every day." She stopped folding her clothes and took one of her pair of Dr. Martens before heading to the door.
"Where are you going?"
"I'll go talk to him now, before my anxiety makes me change my mind. Wish me luck."
"You don't need it!" Yelled the blond girl as the brunette walked out of the suite.

Now Michelle had to find her best friend, was he still her best friend? They had not talk in more than a year, but it was not the first time, she was almost sure that everything would go back to normal soon, she just had to find him. Which got way easier in a second because he got out of the elevator as she was going to walk in, they stared at each other for a minute, and then Elle broke the silence.

"Hi. Can we talk, please?"

Also the song I quoted is from the musical Wicked, it's "no one mourns the wicked", you will probably often find musical theatre references because I'm a huge musical nerd lmao

La Vie En Rose |MÅNESKIN|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang